post_install() { echo ">> augustus requires a copy of the original Caesar III. The binary will ask for game directory on first start." echo " augustus also requires additional folders/files to be installed to your Caesar III installation. The easiest way is to symlink the 'maps' and 'assets' folder from '/opt/augustus-game' into the root of your Caesar III installation. If you are in your Caesar III installation folder you can copy & paste the following lines to symlink them (depending on your shell): ln -s /opt/augustus-game/res/assets . ln -s /opt/augustus-game/res/maps . For further information and how to add high-quality MP3 music/sounds to your installation see: " } post_upgrade() { echo " Augustus renamed the 'mods' folder to 'assets', please check your Caesar III installation. If there is an 'mods' folder, please unlink it and link the assets folder from /opt into it. Augustus also changed the default directory for the assets (from /assets to /res/assets) starting with commit 7e04d9ae5b. To ensure that Augustus uses the correct directory, please remove the old assets dir and re-symlink it from the /opt directory: ln -s /opt/augustus-game/res/assets . " } post_remove() { echo " Don't forget to remove/unlink the 'maps' and 'assets' folder from your Caesar III installation. " }