#!/bin/bash # use crontab to auto update version # */7 * * * * ./auto_update_version.sh # get the latest release from github and commit change to aur cd $( dirname -- "$( readlink -f -- "$0" )" ) aur_ver=$(cat PKGBUILD | grep "^pkgver=" | sed 's/pkgver=//') github_ver=$(curl --max-time 5 -sL https://api.github.com/repos/Noovolari/leapp/releases/latest | jq -r ".tag_name" | sed 's/v//g') if [ -z ${github_ver} ] || [ -z ${aur_ver} ]; then echo "runing error, could not get the right version" && exit 1 fi if [ "${aur_ver}" == "${github_ver}" ]; then echo "leapp in aur already has the latest version." else for exist_ver in `cat exist_vers`; do if [ "${exist_ver}" == "${github_ver}" ]; then echo "looks like the latest release from github is already exist." && exit 2 fi done rm -f /tmp/Leapp_*_amd64.deb wget https://asset.noovolari.com/${github_ver}/Leapp_${github_ver}_amd64.deb -O /tmp/Leapp_${github_ver}_amd64.deb if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "can't download https://asset.noovolari.com/${github_ver}/Leapp_${github_ver}_amd64.deb" && exit 3 fi sha512sum=$(sha512sum /tmp/Leapp_${github_ver}_amd64.deb | awk '{printf $1}') cp PKGBUILD.tpl PKGBUILD cp .SRCINFO.tpl .SRCINFO sed -i "s/VERSION/${github_ver}/g" PKGBUILD sed -i "s/VERSION/${github_ver}/g" .SRCINFO sed -i "s/SHA512SUMS/${sha512sum}/g" PKGBUILD sed -i "s/SHA512SUMS/${sha512sum}/g" .SRCINFO git add .SRCINFO PKGBUILD git commit -m "auto update to ${github_ver}" git push rm -f /tmp/Leapp_${github_ver}_amd64.deb echo "${github_ver}" >> exist_vers fi