post_install() { echo "" echo "====================================================" echo "" echo "This package includes a bunch of web libraries, mostly" echo "written by Andrew McMillan, and mostly used by PHP things" echo "that he wrote." echo "" echo "They are supposed to be fairly lightweight, and they are" echo "intended to simplify things rather than complexify them." echo "" echo "To use them, you will need to add the path into your PHP" echo "application. The recommended way is to do this inside" echo "the Apache virtual host, like so:" echo "" echo " php_value include_path ../inc:/usr/share/awl/inc" echo "" echo "Which would include your applications inc directory" echo "first, allowing it to override any AWL functionality" echo "it wanted to." echo "" echo "Alternatively, add /usr/share/awl/inc under include_path" echo "in your php.ini file for global availability" echo "====================================================" echo "" } post_upgrade() { post_install }