post_install () { echo "---- awoken-icons ---------------------------------------------------" echo " This icon theme comes with a customization script to tune some" echo " aspects of it such as folder or start here icons for example." echo "" echo " The customizations are performed for the user running the script," echo " so they wont afect other users." echo "" echo " To launch it simply run 'awoken-icon-theme-customization' from any" echo " terminal and go through it." echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------" } post_upgrade() { echo "---- awoken-icons ---------------------------------------------------" echo " If you ran the customization script previously you need to run it" echo " again (and choose your preferences) in order to use the new version" echo " of the icon set. If you wish to do a clean customization, remove" echo " first your previous one by deleting:" echo "" echo " ~/.icons/{AwOken,AwOkenDark,AwOkenWhite}" echo " and ~/{.AwOkenrc,.AwOkenrcDark,.AwOkenrcWhite}" echo "" echo " To customize it run 'awoken-icon-theme-customization'." echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------" } post_remove() { echo "---- awoken-icons ---------------------------------------------------" echo " If you or any other user used the customization script that comes" echo " with the icon set, to remove it completely there're 2 things that" echo " need to be deleted manually in the home directory of those users:" echo "" echo " Configuration files: ~/{.AwOkenrc,.AwOkenrcDark,.AwOkenrcWhite}" echo " And a copy of the icons: ~/.icons/{AwOken,AwOkenDark,AwOkenWhite}" echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------" }