post_install() { echo "bash-git-prompt NOTE: To use bash-git-prompt, you should add the following to your /etc/bash.bashrc or ~/.bashrc: if [ -f /usr/lib/bash-git-prompt/ ]; then # To only show the git prompt in or under a repository directory # GIT_PROMPT_ONLY_IN_REPO=1 # To use upstream's default theme # GIT_PROMPT_THEME=Default # To use upstream's default theme, modified by arch maintainer GIT_PROMPT_THEME=Default_Arch source /usr/lib/bash-git-prompt/ fi NOTE: To have the colors shown by 'git status' match the Default_Arch theme, add the following to your ~/.gitconfig: [color \"status\"] branch = magenta untracked = cyan unmerged = yellow And if you want boilerplate to be less prominent, also: header = bold black " } post_remove() { echo "bash-git-prompt NOTE: Any already running shells that were using bash-git-prompt will give a bunch of errors with every new prompt line, until you start new shells by doing one of the following: * Restarting your shells (relogging in each of them) * Starting new shells (running \"bash\" in each of them) * Rebooting ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ " }