post_install() { cat >&2 << 'EOF' ## ## ## To install bash-it for the logged-in user, ## ## run: /usr/share/bash-it-git/ ## ## ## EOF } post_upgrade() { cat >&2 << 'EOF' ## ## ## To finish the upgrade for the logged-in user, ## ## run: /usr/share/bash-it-git/ ## ## ## EOF } post_remove() { cat >&2 << 'EOF' ## ## ## To entirely remove user-side effects of bash-it: ## ## ## ## 1. Re-install bash-it-git ## ## 2. For each user, run: ~/.bash_it/ ## ## (this also restores their original .bashrc) ## ## 3. Remove the `~/.bash_it` directory (optional) ## ## 4. Uninstall bash-it-git ## ## ## EOF }