2013-01-07 * Added dependency on util-linux. * Fixed up now-unecessary patches due to initcpio udev hook being applied upstream. * Added warning on update to change mkinitcpio.conf to use bcache rule instead of the now-defunct bcache_udev. * Fixed minor packaging issues that caused namcap to complain. * Changed versioning method as there are now unannotated tags available. 2013-03-10 * First package. Forked from f2fs-tools-git package. * created arch.patch to remove upstreem initcpio stuff (probably for fedora) and add in arch linux initcpio bcache hook. 2013-11-28 * Took over as maintainer (Justin Dray). * Updated to work with the latest git version. * Added a working udev rule written by Mikeserv, adapted from mdadm. * Removed unecessary patches. * Updated to comply with current VCS PKGBUILD guidelines. 2014-01-06 * Added conflicts/provides to support bcache-tools package. * Changed to tracking g2p's version of bcache-tools as it has tagged versions for the non-git release. 2020-07-01 * Removed crc64.patch as it's no longer needed. * Added dracut support.