pre_install() { if ! getent passwd bee >/dev/null; then useradd -r -d /var/lib/bee -s /sbin/nologin -c 'Bee user' -U bee fi if getent passwd bee-clef >/dev/null; then usermod -a -G bee-clef bee >/dev/null fi if ! test -d /var/lib/bee; then mkdir -p /var/lib/bee chmod 0750 /var/lib/bee chown -R bee:bee /var/lib/bee fi if ! test -f /var/lib/bee/password; then tr /dev/null | head -c32 >/var/lib/bee/password chmod 0600 /var/lib/bee/password chown bee:bee /var/lib/bee/password fi } post_install() { if ! test -f /var/lib/bee/keys/libp2p.key; then /usr/bin/bee init --config /etc/bee/bee.yaml >/dev/null chown -R bee:bee /var/lib/bee/keys fi # Allow group members (bee user) to use clef's socket if test -S /var/lib/bee-clef/clef.ipc; then chmod 660 /var/lib/bee-clef/clef.ipc fi echo " Logs: journalctl -f -u bee.service Config: /etc/bee/bee.yaml Bee has SWAP enabled and by default is using goerli ethereum endpoint. It is recommended to use external signer with bee. Check documentation for more info: - SWAP - External signer After you finish configuration run 'sudo bee-get-addr'. " } post_remove() { userdel bee >/dev/null 2>&1 || true groupdel bee >/dev/null 2>&1 || true }