# Version 2.83 upcoming. - Adaptive Sampling - Locally convergent sampling strategy for [Cycles](https://wiki.blender.org/wiki/Reference/Release_Notes/2.83/Cycles#Adaptive_Sampling). - Cloth Sculpting - Physically simulated cloth [brush](https://developer.blender.org/D6715). - Viewport Optix Denoiser. # Version 2.82 stable. [release notes](https://wiki.blender.org/wiki/Reference/Release_Notes/2.82) - Smoke and Liquid: new, particle based solver [Mantaflow](http://mantaflow.com/). - Cloth: internal air pressure. - Cloth: internal [springs](https://developer.blender.org/D5788). - Cycles: Optix denoiser. - Cycles: custom render passes. - Eevee: viewport render [passes](https://developer.blender.org/D6331). - Texturing: [UDIM](https://developer.blender.org/T72390) - Sculpt: [Slide,Relex](https://developer.blender.org/D6059). - Sculpt: [Multiplane Scrape](https://developer.blender.org/D6174). - Sculpt: Slice mesh with mask tool. - Grease Pencil: Multiple Stroke Modifier. - Mesh: Custom Bevel Profile. - Mesh: Weld Modifier. - VFX: New USD exporter - VFX: glTF improvements - VFX: Alembic mesh normals export. # Version 2.81 [release notes](https://wiki.blender.org/wiki/Reference/Release_Notes/2.81) - Cycles: Nvidia [Optix](https://developer.blender.org/T69800) - Cycles: Intel [Oidn](https://developer.blender.org/D4304) - Cycles: Osd edge stitching. - Cycles: Viewport render passes. - Shading: 4D noises. - Shading: vertex color. - Shading: volume info. - Eevee: Shadow [refactor](https://developer.blender.org/D5659). - Eevee: Transparent BSDF congruent to Cycles. - Eevee: Holdout shader. - Viewport: HDRI studio light. - Viewport: per viewport visibility [selection](https://developer.blender.org/T61327). - Viewport: OpenEXR matcaps with separate diffuse/specular layers. - Grease Pencil: Self overlapping material. - Grease Pencil: Smooth stroke endings. - Grease Pencil: New brushes. - Grease Pencil: New snapping. - Grease Pencil: New stroke form curve. - Grease Pencil: New merge by distance. - Grease Pencil: New simplify sample. - Sculpting: Pose [brush](https://developer.blender.org/D5647). - Sculpting: Transform around pivot with symmetry. - Sculpting: Draw sharp brush. - Sculpting: Cursor follow normal and shows symmetry. - Sculpting: Stroke point even distance. - Sculpting: Auto-masking. - Sculpting: Dynamic mesh preview. - Sculpting: Mask Filter. - Sculpting: Dirty Mask. - Sculpting: Mask expand with curvature limits. - Sculpting: Mask to object. - Sculpting: Voxel [remesher](https://developer.blender.org/D5407). - Sculpting: QuadriFlow [remesher](https://github.com/hjwdzh/QuadriFlow). - UI: - rename active element. - UI: - Batch rename. - UI: Parent dnd for multiple objects. - UI: Selection sync. - UI: New pop-up file browser. - UI: Industry compatible key map. - Blenlib: New library [override](https://developer.blender.org/T53500). - Animation: Copy as new driver. # Version 2.80 [release notes](https://wiki.blender.org/wiki/Reference/Release_Notes/2.80) - UI: New collection system in place of layers. - UI: New outliner. - UI: New view layers in palace of render layers. - UI: Blender default key map. - UI: Left click select new default. - UI: Re-theme. - UI: - context quick favorite. - UI: New file UI templates. - UI: New workspaces. - UI: New object gizmos. - UI: New tools with gizmos. - UI: New context status bar. - UI: Single column layout. - UI: New pop overs. - UI: New pie menus. - Eevee: Principled BSDF. - Eevee: Env lightning with HDRI. - Eevee: Screen-space reflection and refraction. - Eevee: Indirect lighting with light probes. - Eevee: Soft and contact shadows. - Eevee: SSS and volume rendering. - Eevee: Dof, bloom, motion blur for camera. - Eevee: Shader to RGB node. - Eevee: Light probes. - Eevee: Light cache. - Eevee: Ground truth ambient occlusion. - Viewport: Workbench engine. - Viewport: Overlays. - Viewport: Look dev - material preview. - Viewport: Volume preview. - Grease Pencil: New 2d Animation. - Cycles: Principled hair [BSDF](https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/2.80/render/shader_nodes/shader/hair_principled.html). - Cycles: Principled [volume](https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/2.80/render/shader_nodes/shader/volume_principled.html). - Cycles: Cryptomate. - Cycles: Random walk SSS. - Cycles: Vector Displacement. - Cycles: New adaptive subdivision dicing scheme. - Cycles: Bevel shader. - Cycles: AO shader. - Cycles: IES light node. - Cycles: New baking anti aliasing. - Cycles: New area light shapes. - Cycles: Transparent film rendering for glass. - Cycles: Motion blur arbitrary sample count. - Cycles: Combined CPU and GPU rendering. - Cycles: CUDA small tiles optimization. - Cycles: CUDA object streaming for out of gRAM rendering. - Cycles: CUDA minimum version bump to 3.x - Mesh: New multi object editing. - Mesh: Custom normal maps. - Animation: Pop over driver editor. - Blenlib: New dependency graph for parallelization. - Blenlib: New unit system. - Physics: New cloth bending springs. - Physics: New cloth collisions.