# new package version devices_file="/opt/brother/scanner/brscan4/brsanenetdevice4.cfg" pre_install() { /bin/true } # new package version post_install() { echo "Find additional documentation about scanner driver install at:" echo "http://welcome.solutions.brother.com/bsc/public_s/id/linux/en/instruction_scn1.html" echo "For a network installation run the following as root:" echo "brsaneconfig4 -a name=\"Brother\" model=\"YOURMODELHERE\" ip=YOUR.SCANNER.IP.HERE" /opt/brother/scanner/brscan4/setupSaneScan4 -i } # the new package version # old package version pre_upgrade() { # If user has already configured their scanner then make a config backup if [ -f $devices_file ]; then cp $devices_file $devices_file.backup || return 1 fi } # new package version # old package version post_upgrade() { # After upgrade revert user's scanner config and delete a config backup if [ -f $devices_file.backup ]; then cp $devices_file.backup $devices_file || return 1 rm $devices_file.backup || return 1 fi } # old package version pre_remove() { /opt/brother/scanner/brscan4/setupSaneScan4 -e /bin/true } # old package version post_remove() { /bin/true }