_bs_user=bs _bs_group=bs post_install() { _mkuser # disable Copy-On-Write (btrfs directories only) for _dir in /srv/blockchain /var/log/bs; do _is_btrfs "$_dir" && _disable_cow "$_dir" done chown -R $_bs_user:$_bs_group /etc/bs /srv/blockchain /var/log/bs printf "%b\n" "$obelisk" } post_upgrade() { _mkuser chown -R $_bs_user:$_bs_group /etc/bs /srv/blockchain /var/log/bs printf "%b\n" "$obelisk" } post_remove() { _rmuser rm -rf /etc/bs /srv/blockchain /var/log/bs } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # helper functions for creating libbitcoin-server user / group # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _mkuser() { getent passwd $_bs_user &>/dev/null || { echo -n "Creating libbitcoin-server user... " grep -E "^$_bs_group:" /etc/group >/dev/null || groupadd $_bs_group useradd -m -d /etc/bs -g $_bs_group -s /usr/bin/nologin $_bs_user echo "done" } } _rmuser() { echo -n "Removing libbitcoin-server user... " userdel -rf $_bs_user 2>/dev/null echo "done" } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # helper functions for disabling btrfs Copy-On-Write (CoW) # https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Btrfs#Copy-On-Write_.28CoW.29 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # check if dir is btrfs _is_btrfs() { if [[ $(findmnt --target $1 --output FSTYPE --noheadings) == 'btrfs' ]]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } # disable btrfs CoW _chattrify() { # original dir, with trailing slash stripped if it exists _orig_dir=$( echo "$1" | sed 's@/$@@' ) # if original dir exists, back it up [[ -d "$1" ]] && mv "$1" "${_orig_dir}"_old # re-make original dir mkdir -p "$1" # set permissions on re-made dir chmod "$2" "$1" # disable btrfs CoW on re-made dir chattr +C "$1" # recursive copy to restore backed up dir while maintaining disabled CoW [[ -d "${_orig_dir}"_old ]] \ && find "${_orig_dir}"_old -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -exec cp -R '{}' "$1" \; # set ownership on re-made dir chown -R $3:$4 "$1" # purge backed up dir [[ -d "${_orig_dir}"_old ]] && rm -rf "${_orig_dir}"_old } _disable_cow() { _chattrify "$1" "755" "$_bs_user" "$_bs_group" } read -d '' obelisk <<'EOF' ######################################################################## ######################################################################## ## ## ## Libbitcoin Server ## ## _________________ ## ## ## ## To run: ## ## ## ## systemctl start bsinit # first run only ## ## systemctl start bs ## ## ## ## ## ## Config: /etc/bs/bs.cfg ## ## Blockchain: /srv/blockchain ## ## Documentation: /usr/share/doc/libbitcoin-server ## ## Logs: /var/log/bs ## ## ## ######################################################################## ######################################################################## EOF