post_install() { echo "+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+" echo "| Config: /opt/burstcoin-wallet/conf/ |" echo "| By default, burst wallet uses MySQL |" echo "| |" echo "| If you want to use MySQL: pacman -S mariadb |" echo "| and configure by instruction: |" echo "| |" echo "| If you want to use H2 DB, you do not need to install additional, |" echo "| change parameters in config, where DB.url is path to file where will storage DB: |" echo "| DB.Url=jdbc:h2:/home/USER/burst_db/burst;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE |" echo "| DB.Username= |" echo "| DB.Password= |" echo "| |" echo "| Run wallet: sudo systemctl start burstcoin-wallet.service |" echo "| URL: |" echo "+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+" } post_upgrade() { post_install }