[Unit] Description=CFEngine Execution Daemon Documentation=man:cf-execd https://docs.cfengine.com/latest/reference-components-cf-execd.html After=network.target # The following ensures that the service is activated only if we have a # promises.cf in place. If there is no promises.cf, there is no configuration # for the service either... ConditionPathExists=/var/cfengine/inputs/promises.cf # The following allows stopping/restarting of this service when # cfengine3.serice is stopped/restarted PartOf=cfengine3.service [Install] # The following ensures that the symlink to this unit is created in the # cfengine3.service.requires/ directory when this unit is enabled # with "systemctl enable" command, and removed with "systemctl disable" RequiredBy=cfengine3.service [Service] ExecStart=/var/cfengine/bin/cf-execd Type=forking PIDFile=/var/cfengine/cf-execd.pid