Version 2.28.0 - 02 Aug 2018 - Fix html appearing in txt summary by default. - Remove in-story ad links from adapter_asexstoriescom. - adapter_royalroadl site uses relative dates now, including months and years ago. - Update plugin & web service html2text included package to fix text <>& output. - Fix for corner case screwing up chapter html(attr quotes). Closes #324 - adapter_webnovelcom: update title selection (#323), thanks Ea - Remove accidental file. - Change AO3 description blockquote to a div tag. - Fix section links in html output(broken in def6b39) - Remove Google Plus icon (web service only) - Fix base_xenforoforum_adapter bug when no threadmarks. - Get story URL from existing epubs downloaded from the site. - Fix for site change: adapter_wuxiaworldcom - Add note to use_threadmark_wordcounts setting--base_xenforo sites' wordcounts ignore words insite Spoiler tags. - adapter_wuxiaworldco: Some older stories use a different date format. - Fix origtitle/toctitle for mark_new_chapters. Broken in chapter metadata revamp. - Fix tocpage links and correct index04 vs index, issue #320. - Refactor chapter internals for additional site-specific metadata per chapter. - Fix base_xenforo_list for AH & QQ prefered domains. - base_xenforoforum: Adding date, words & kwords per chapter metadata (SB/SB/QQ). - Whitespace clean up in code (#316) - thanks mcepl - Add alternate domains for SB, SV & QQ xenforo adapters. - base_xenforoforum: Sum threadmark word counts into numWords(when present). INI option use_threadmark_wordcounts defaults to true. - Add ignore_chapter_url_list feature. - adapter_trekfanfictionnet: don't set numWords to *character* count. - Add adapter_harrypotterfanfictioncom for new version of returned - Add adapter for (#315) - Thanks cryzed Version 2.27.0 - 03 Jul 2018 - Change adapter_storiesonlinenet to https (and derived finestories) - thanks davidfor. - Yet more site change for adapter_webnovelcom - Add status states Paused & Cancelled to adapter_fanfiktionde as well as site specific native_status. - adapter_webnovelcom: ignore 'ad-walled' chapters--the ad-wall bypass code stopped working, but isn't yet removed. - Calibre Plugin: Remove ebook formats before update, overwrite or unnew so that the previouis version ends up in trash instead of just copied over. - Add adapter_classes metadata for developer testing. - Revert back https -> http. - Remove replace_br_with_p sentinels in desc HTML before giving to Calibre. - Fix for author in adapter_lcfanficcom - Fix for adapter_inkbunnynet author search. - base_efiction: use getProtocol for images too. - Change all sites that will work with https to use it all the time. - Remove -- is there, but no fanfic section anymore. - adapter_adultfanfictionorg used urllib2 exceptions without importing it. - Updates for site changes for adapter_gravitytalescom. - Fix author for adapter_inkbunnynet. - Site update fixes for adapter_inkbunnynet, thanks GComyn. - Fixes for adapter_webnovelcom for site changes. - Add status to webnovelcom (#306) - Thanks, rikkitp