[2020-02-19] * init [2020-03-09] * build by method - lets see how far it gets [2020-03-10] * comilable [2020-12-23] * fresh start with kopano master * vmime update * handle new pkg format * syntax error * deps [2020-12-24] * deps [2021-01-04] * -git/master-packages [2021-01-22] * changes from 20201207 [2021-01-23] * Fixed build with ICU 68.2-1 [2021-01-25] * update to kopano 10.0.7 [2021-02-25] * patch from git * patch from git: cherryPick * patch from git: corrosponding branch [2021-03-03] * patch v10*/v11* from master [2021-03-10] * added patch fallbacks [2021-08-22] * added php7* restriction [2021-08-23] * added php7* restriction, php-config path * make php74 the default for the build. Please build in Docker. [2022-01-03] * Update PKGBUILD [2022-03-31] * Update PKGBUILD