[2020-02-19] * init [2020-03-09] * build by method - lets see how far it gets [2020-03-10] * comilable [2020-12-23] * fresh start with kopano master * vmime update * handle new pkg format * syntax error * deps [2020-12-24] * deps [2020-12-26] * vmime deps [2020-12-28] * set next version * formatting and dependencies * test version * test vmime from kopanp [2020-12-29] * integrate kopano-vmime * changed libvmime src. added gperftools. added packaging * changed libvmime src. added gperftools. added packagin * dont set python path [2020-12-30] * test build [2020-12-31] * test build [2021-01-02] * fix python install path * patch * package as is * set libdir * different prefix [2021-01-03] * different prefix * change sbin location * docs and configs * autodetect branch * assignment * -git test [2021-01-04] * -git test * finalized -git test * add pythen dependencies ; add optional dependencies to make dependencies ; first files for templates [2021-01-05] * webapp first try * fixed cp * fixed relnotes path * removed/added destdir / added ant-contrib * fixed path [2021-01-07] * webapp [2021-01-08] * use templates [2021-01-13] * distribute /etc/kopano/*.cfg in kopano-core package [2021-01-14] * distribute /etc/kopano/*.cfg in kopano-core package [2021-01-20] * handle git builds