2017-11-11 Gilrain * 1.5.0-1: Eased version requirement for six. 2017-09-28 Gilrain * 1.4.1-1: Fixed arguments of module-level functions. Fixed bug of execution with pipe. Fixed wrong excption is raised. pkg: removed git from makedepends pkg: added JavaScript runtimes to optdepends 2016-09-25 Gilrain * 1.4.0-2: pkg: replace dep on python(2)-packaging with python(2)-setuptools pkg: use github release tarball 2016-05-09 Gilrain * 1.4.0: Fixed required libraries. Fixed order of output of --print-available-runtimes. Execute some JavaScript runtime with pipe/stdin (without temporary file). * 1.3.1: Fixed --print-available-runtimes fails in Python 2.7. * 1.3.0: Added cwd argument. * 1.2.0: Supported Python 3.5 Supported Nashorn(Java 8 JavaScript engine) as runtime Dropped support for Python 2.6 and 3.2 * 1.1.0: Supported Python 3.4 Supported SlimerJS as runtime Supported PhantomJS as runtime Fixed JScript runtime on Windows 8 * 1.0.5: Supported Python 3.3 Fixed file handle leaking Fixed issue with passenger-nginx-4.0 * 1.0.4: Removed “import execjs” (it prevent execution of setup.py by Python 2.6) * 1.0.3: Javascript sources were embeded in init.py. ‘which’ command were reimplemented by pure python. * 1.0.2: Python 2.6.x was supported. * 1.0.1: Forgotten shell=True was added to Popen. * 1.0.0: First release.