#!/usr/bin/env -S sed -nEf # Small sed script to find (possible) problems. # Particularly to be used on update to a new gcide version. # # To be run before webfmt. # For each test, below the action formerly in post_webfmt.sed. # - disregarding whether it is a good one or not. # # If this script prints anything, webfmt probably fails. # \`([^<]*),? ([^<]*)` p #s`([^<]*),? ([^<]*)`\1, \2`g \`([^<]*)()` p #s`([^<]*)()`\1\2` \`^([^<]*)` p #s`^([^<]*)`\1` \`^([^<]*)` p #s`^([^<]*)`\1` \`` p #s```g