## arg 1: the new package version post_install() { echo " Please do one of the following or something similar depending of your preferred shell and setup: echo 'source /usr/share/chruby/chruby.sh' >> ~/.bashrc echo 'source /usr/share/chruby/chruby.sh' >> ~/.zprofile For further support/information, please see the project's homepage! For your convenience there's a file at /etc/profile.d/chruby.sh which can used to enable chruby systemwide. You just need to uncomment the lines in the file. " } ## arg 1: the new package version ## arg 2: the old package version post_upgrade() { post_install } ## arg 1: the old package version post_remove() { echo " Please do not forget to delete those lines from your shell's initscript(s): e.g. .bashrc, .zprofile, ... source /usr/share/chruby/chruby.sh For further support/information, please see the project's homepage! " }