#!/usr/bin/python ''' Copyright 2009, The Android Open Source Project Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ''' # script to highlight adb logcat output for console # written by jeff sharkey, http://jsharkey.org/ # piping detection and popen() added by other android team members import os, sys, re, io import fcntl, termios, struct # unpack the current terminal width/height data = fcntl.ioctl(sys.stdout.fileno(), termios.TIOCGWINSZ, '1234') HEIGHT, WIDTH = struct.unpack('hh',data) BLACK, RED, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE, MAGENTA, CYAN, WHITE = range(8) def format(fg=None, bg=None, bright=False, bold=False, dim=False, reset=False): # manually derived from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#Codes codes = [] if reset: codes.append("0") else: if not fg is None: codes.append("3%d" % (fg)) if not bg is None: if not bright: codes.append("4%d" % (bg)) else: codes.append("10%d" % (bg)) if bold: codes.append("1") elif dim: codes.append("2") else: codes.append("22") return "\033[%sm" % (";".join(codes)) def indent_wrap(message, indent=0, width=80): wrap_area = width - indent messagebuf = io.StringIO() current = 0 while current < len(message): next = min(current + wrap_area, len(message)) messagebuf.write(message[current:next]) if next < len(message): messagebuf.write("\n%s" % (" " * indent)) current = next return messagebuf.getvalue() LAST_USED = [RED,GREEN,YELLOW,BLUE,MAGENTA,CYAN,WHITE] KNOWN_TAGS = { "dalvikvm": BLUE, "Process": BLUE, "ActivityManager": CYAN, "ActivityThread": CYAN, } def allocate_color(tag): # this will allocate a unique format for the given tag # since we dont have very many colors, we always keep track of the LRU if not tag in KNOWN_TAGS: KNOWN_TAGS[tag] = LAST_USED[0] color = KNOWN_TAGS[tag] LAST_USED.remove(color) LAST_USED.append(color) return color RULES = { #re.compile(r"([\w\.@]+)=([\w\.@]+)"): r"%s\1%s=%s\2%s" % (format(fg=BLUE), format(fg=GREEN), format(fg=BLUE), format(reset=True)), } TAGTYPE_WIDTH = 3 TAG_WIDTH = 20 PROCESS_WIDTH = 8 # 8 or -1 HEADER_SIZE = TAGTYPE_WIDTH + 1 + TAG_WIDTH + 1 + PROCESS_WIDTH + 1 TAGTYPES = { "V": "%s%s%s " % (format(fg=WHITE, bg=BLACK), "V".center(TAGTYPE_WIDTH), format(reset=True)), "D": "%s%s%s " % (format(fg=BLACK, bg=BLUE), "D".center(TAGTYPE_WIDTH), format(reset=True)), "I": "%s%s%s " % (format(fg=BLACK, bg=GREEN), "I".center(TAGTYPE_WIDTH), format(reset=True)), "W": "%s%s%s " % (format(fg=BLACK, bg=YELLOW), "W".center(TAGTYPE_WIDTH), format(reset=True)), "E": "%s%s%s " % (format(fg=BLACK, bg=RED), "E".center(TAGTYPE_WIDTH), format(reset=True)), } retag = re.compile("^([A-Z])/([^\(]+)\(([^\)]+)\): (.*)$") # to pick up -d or -e adb_args = ' '.join(sys.argv[1:]) # if someone is piping in to us, use stdin as input. if not, invoke adb logcat if os.isatty(sys.stdin.fileno()): input = os.popen("adb %s logcat" % adb_args) else: input = sys.stdin while True: try: line = input.readline() except KeyboardInterrupt: break match = retag.match(line) if not match is None: tagtype, tag, owner, message = match.groups() linebuf = io.StringIO() # center process info if PROCESS_WIDTH > 0: owner = owner.strip().center(PROCESS_WIDTH) linebuf.write("%s%s%s " % (format(fg=BLACK, bg=BLACK, bright=True), owner, format(reset=True))) # right-align tag title and allocate color if needed tag = tag.strip() color = allocate_color(tag) tag = tag[-TAG_WIDTH:].rjust(TAG_WIDTH) linebuf.write("%s%s %s" % (format(fg=color, dim=False), tag, format(reset=True))) # write out tagtype colored edge if not tagtype in TAGTYPES: break linebuf.write(TAGTYPES[tagtype]) # insert line wrapping as needed message = indent_wrap(message, HEADER_SIZE, WIDTH) # format tag message using rules for matcher in RULES: replace = RULES[matcher] message = matcher.sub(replace, message) linebuf.write(message) line = linebuf.getvalue() print(line) if len(line) == 0: break