/* list of tags */ #define TAGS "xnlhtr01uiva-" #define TAGS_SAVED "" /* programs mapped to m-c, m-m, m-e */ #define SHELL {"bash"} #define EDITOR {"vim"} #define MAIL {"mutt"} /* fbval_t should match framebuffer depth */ typedef unsigned int fbval_t; /* tinyfont files for regular, italic, and bold fonts */ #define FR "/usr/share/fbpad-git/font.ttf" #define FI "/usr/share/fbpad-git/fonti.ttf" #define FB "/usr/share/fbpad-git/fontb.ttf" /* foreground and background colors */ #define FGCOLOR 0 #define BGCOLOR 15 /* where to write the screen shot */ #define SCRSHOT "/tmp/scr" /* lock command password; NULL disables locking */ #define PASS NULL /* optimized version of fb_val() */ #define FB_VAL(r, g, b) fb_val((r), (g), (b)) /* black */ #define COLOR0 0x000000 #define COLOR8 0x555555 /* red */ #define COLOR1 0xaa0000 #define COLOR9 0xff5555 /* green */ #define COLOR2 0x00aa00 #define COLOR10 0x55ff55 /* yellow */ #define COLOR3 0xaa5500 #define COLOR11 0xffff55 /* blue */ #define COLOR4 0x0000aa #define COLOR12 0x5555ff /* magenta */ #define COLOR5 0xaa00aa #define COLOR13 0xff55ff /* cyan */ #define COLOR6 0x00aaaa #define COLOR14 0x55ffff /* white */ #define COLOR7 0xaaaaaa #define COLOR15 0xffffff