# https://pypi.org/project/ConfigArgParse/ #Set real webcam width #width=1280 #Set real webcam height #height=720 #Set real webcam FPS #fps=30 #Set real webcam codec #codec='MJPG' #Set real webcam path #webcam-path="/dev/video0" #V4l2loopback device path #v4l2loopback-path="/dev/video2" #Disable background image and blur the real background #no-background=true #Background image path, animated background is supported. #background-image=background.jpg background-image=/var/lib/fake-background-webcam/default/background.jpg #Tile the background image #tile-background=true #The gaussian bluring kernel size in pixels #background-blur=21 #The fraction of the kernel size to use for the sigma value (ie. sigma = k / frac) #background-blur-sigma-frac=3 #Crop background if needed to maintain aspect ratio #background-keep-aspect=true #Disable foreground image #no-foreground=true #Foreground image path foreground-image=/var/lib/fake-background-webcam/default/foreground.jpg #Foreground mask image pat foreground-mask-image=/var/lib/fake-background-webcam/default/foreground-mask.png #Add a hologram effect #hologram=true #Continue processing when there is no application using the virtual webcam #no-ondemand=true #The running average percentage for background mask updates #background-mask-update-speed=50 #Force the mask to follow a sigmoid distribution #use-sigmoid=true #The minimum percentage threshold for accepting a pixel as foreground #threshold=75 #Disable postprocessing (masking dilation and blurring) #no-postprocess=false #Select the model for MediaPipe. For more information, please refer to https://github.com/fangfufu/Linux-Fake-Background-Webcam/issues/135#issuecomment-883361294 #select-model=1 #Apply colour map to the person using cmapy. For examples, please refer to https://gitlab.com/cvejarano-oss/cmapy/blob/master/docs/colorize_all_examples.md #cmap-person= #Apply colour map to background using cmapy #cmap-bg=