###~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~### ### jackal configuration file ### ###~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~### # # # WARNING: search for "TODO" in this document and replace secrets with something # custom before uncommenting them. peppers: keys: #v1: m7FFfnHf2g3KsPRPvVjjEiu6uss8tAHg # <-- TODO: please, use your custom key here! use: v1 #logger: # level: "debug" # output_path: "jackal.log" # Prometheus metrics and pprof #http_port: 6060 #admin: # port: 15280 #hosts: # - domain: jackal.im # tls: # cert_file: "" # privkey_file: "" storage: type: pgsql pgsql: host: user: jackal password: password database: jackal max_open_conns: 16 cluster: etcd: endpoints: - port: 14369 shapers: #- name: super # max_sessions: 20 # rate: # limit: 131072 # burst: 65536 # matching: # jid: # # in: [admin@localhost] # regex: ^(admin|otheradmin)@localhost - name: normal max_sessions: 10 rate: limit: 65536 burst: 32768 listeners: - type: c2s port: 5222 req_timeout: 60s transport: socket sasl: mechanisms: [scram_sha_1, scram_sha_256] # Authentication gateway # (proto: https://github.com/jackal-xmpp/jackal-proto/blob/master/jackal/proto/authenticator/v1/authenticator.proto) external: address: is_secure: false - type: c2s port: 5223 direct_tls: true req_timeout: 60s transport: socket sasl: mechanisms: [scram_sha_1, scram_sha_256] - type: s2s port: 5269 req_timeout: 60s max_stanza_size: 131072 - type: s2s port: 5270 direct_tls: true req_timeout: 60s max_stanza_size: 131072 s2s_out: # dialback_secret: s3cr3tf0rd14lb4ck <-- TODO: Use a custom secret here dial_timeout: 5s req_timeout: 60s max_stanza_size: 131072 modules: # enabled: # - roster # - offline # - disco # - private # - vcard # - version # - caps # - ping # - carbons # # version: # show_os: true # # offline: # queue_size: 300 # # ping: # ack_timeout: 90s # interval: 3m # send_pings: true # timeout_action: kill # # external: # - name: ext_mod_1 # address: # is_secure: false # request_timeout: 60s # # event_handler: # topics: # notify c2s connect/disconnect events # - c2s.stream.registered # - c2s.stream.unregistered # # iq_handler: # namespace: # in: [ https://jackal.im ] # # reg_ex: ^org.jackal.+ # # message_handler: # pre_processor: true # pre_router: true components: