%% -*- mode: erlang -*- %% This is the global config file for Zotonic. %% %% The configurations are for the Zotonic system itself. %% Site configuration is found in each site's config file. %% The site config files are in the subdirectories of priv/sites/. %% %% To use this configuration file: %% 0. Do NOT modify 'config.in', but change the file called 'config', %% which is a copy of config.in. %% 1. Stop Zotonic %% 2. Change (and uncomment) any setting you want to modify, in the file 'config' %% 3. Start Zotonic again. %% %% Rarely used configurations are commented out, change at your own risk. %% The given values are the defaults for the options. %% %% Be careful with the comma after each option, exclude it after the last option. [{zotonic, [ %%% Path configuration %% Where the Zotonic sites are located {user_sites_dir, "%%USER_SITES_DIR%%"}, %% Where the extra Zotonic modules are located (those installed with 'zotonic modules install mod_...') {user_modules_dir, "%%USER_MODULES_DIR%%"}, %% Optionally define the ebin directory of the user sites and modules. Default %% location is zotonic's ebin director. % {user_ebin_dir, "%%USER_EBIN_DIR%%"}, %%% Default timezone (for example: <<"Europe/Berlin">>) %% {timezone, <<"UTC">>}, %%% PostgreSQL database defaults. %%% These are the defaults for the equally named options in your site's config file. {dbdatabase, "zotonic"}, {dbschema, "public"}, {dbpassword, []}, {dbuser, "zotonic"}, {dbport, 5432}, {dbhost, "localhost"}, %%% By default, Zotonic will create a postgres database for you if it doesn't %%% already exist, and install tables in it. Uncomment the options below %%% to prevent that. % {dbcreate, false}, % {dbinstall, false}, %%% IP address on which Zotonic will listen for HTTP requests. %%% Always overridden by the ZOTONIC_IP environment variable. %%% Use 'any' for all IP addresses. {listen_ip, any}, %%% Port on which Zotonic will listen for HTTP requests. %%% Always overridden by the ZOTONIC_PORT environment variable. {listen_port, 8000}, %%% Outside port on which Zotonic will listen for HTTP requests. %%% Default set to listen_port. %%% {port, 80}, %%% Outside port zotonic uses to receive incoming HTTPS requests. %%% Default set to ssl_listen_port. %%% {ssl_port, 443}, %%% Inside listen port zotonic uses to receive HTTPS requests. %%% Always overridden by the ZOTONIC_SSL_PORT environment variable. %%% {ssl_listen_port, 8443}, %%% SMTP outbound relay configuration. %% {smtp_relay, true}, %% {smtp_host, "localhost"}, %% {smtp_port, 2525}, %% {smtp_ssl, true}, %%% SMTP extra relay options: %%% some picky/buggy/misconfigured relays might need one of these to be enabled. %% {smtp_no_mx_lookups, false}, %% {smtp_verp_as_from, false}, %% {smtp_bounce_email_override, "me@example.com"}, %%% SMTP mail queue. %%% How long to keep sent messages in the mail queue (in minutes). %%% Leave it long enough to receive any bounce message. %% {smtp_delete_sent_after, 240}, %%% SMTP debug options. %%% Send a copy of outgoing mail to this address: %% {smtp_bcc, "bcc@localhost"}, %%% Send all mail to this address instead of the original recipient: %% {email_override, "override@localhost"}, %%% SMTP Inbound Server Options. %%% Always overridden by the environment variables: %%% ZOTONIC_SMTP_LISTEN_DOMAIN, ZOTONIC_SMTP_LISTEN_IP and ZOTONIC_SMTP_LISTEN_PORT. %% {smtp_listen_domain, undefined}, %% {smtp_listen_ip, ""}, %% {smtp_listen_port, 2525}, %%% SMTP Spamassassin options %%% Enable SMTP incoming message filtering by setting the listening address of spamd %% {smtp_spamd_ip, {127,0,0,1}}, %% {smtp_spamd_port, 783}, %%% SMTP DNSBL Realtime DNS Block Lists and White Lists %%% These services are checked for DNSBL listings upon receiving email, set to an %%% empty list to disable the DNSBL checks. The default list is defined in %%% deps/z_stdlib/src/z_email_dnsbl.erl %% {smtp_dnsbl, ["zen.spamhaus.org", "dnsbl.sorbs.net"]}, %% {smtp_dnswl, ["list.dnswl.org", "swl.spamhaus.org"]}, %%% Password for the sites administration site (zotonic_status). Will %%% be generated on first Zotonic startup, if the config file does not yet exist. {password, "%%GENERATED%%"} %%% IP whitelist, used for accessing sites with a default "admin" password %% {ip_whitelist, ",,,,,::1,fd00::/8,fe80::/10"}, %%% Inet request backlog, increase when requests are being dropped. %% {inet_backlog, 500}, %%% Inet acceptor pool size. Configure the number of processes waiting for incoming requests. Increase when %%% request take long to be accepted and you hit the backlog. %% {inet_acceptor_pool_size, 75}, %%% SSL request backlog, increase when requests are being dropped. %%% When this value is not set, the inet_backlog setting is used. %% {ssl_backlog, 500}, %%% SSL acceptor pool size. Configure the number of processes waiting for incoming ssl requests. Increase when %%% request take long to be accepted and you hit the backlog. Note that the ssl acceptor pool is bigger. The %%% reason for this is that accepting ssl requests is much slower than normal request. Especially if you have %%% slow clients. %%% When this value is not set, the inet_acceptor_pool_size setting is used. %% {ssl_acceptor_pool_size, 75}, %%% Default ImageMagick color space. Some ImageMagick versions (like 6.7.0 and above) %%% use the RGB colorspace, so all images are darker than the original. %%% Possible Values: %%% CMY, CMYK, Grey, HCL, HSB, HSL, HWB, Lab, LCH, LMS, Log, Luv, OHTA, %%% Rec601Luma, Rec601YCbCr, Rec709Luma, Rec709YCbCr, RGB, sRGB, Transparent, %%% XYZ, YCbCr, YCC, YIQ, YCbCr, YUV. %% {default_colorspace, "sRGB"}, %%% Whether or not to do a modification check on the templates while %%% they are rendered. Turn this off in production to increase %%% performance. However, you need to do an explicit z:flush() to see template changes. %% {template_modified_check, true}, %%% Automatically compile and load changed files. You must have inotify or fswatch installed. %% {filewatcher_enabled, true}, %%% Scan for changed files beam files if inotify and fswatch are not enabled %%% Enabling this will make the system slow, it is not advised on production systems. %% {filewatcher_scanner_enabled, false}, %%% List with extra dependencies which get fetched and compiled by rebar %% {deps, %% [ %% {jsx, "1.4", {git, "git://github.com/talentdeficit/jsx", {tag, "v1.4"}}} %% ]}, ] } ].