post_install() { echo ">>> For use with OpenAl, please comment out line 8 and uncomment line 10" echo ">>> of the file /opt/coolvlviewer/cool_vl_viewer ." echo ">>> Currently the file is set for use with OSS." # echo ">>> New version of settings file is:" # echo ">>> ~/.secondlife/user_settings/settings_coolvlviewer_12614.xml." echo ">>> You must also add your user to the 'games' group." echo ">>> # gpasswd -a USERNAME games" echo ">>> Remember to logout and log back in for the changes to take effect." } post_upgrade() { echo ">>> For use with OpenAl, please comment out line 8 and uncomment line 10" echo ">>> of the file /opt/coolvlviewer/cool_vl_viewer ." # echo ">>> Currently the file is set for use with OSS." # echo ">>> New version of settings file is:" # echo ">>> ~/.secondlife/user_settings/settings_coolvlviewer_12614.xml." } op=$1 shift $op $*