#!/bin/sh # Install scripts for Cozy # Maintainer: Brendan Abolivier # Fancy message is fancy msg() { printf "${blue}==>${bold} $1${all_off}\n" } all_off="$(tput sgr0)" bold="${all_off}$(tput bold)" blue="${bold}$(tput setaf 4)" post_install() { msg "Please not that this package comes from the Cozy community and is not an official Cozy port. Please report any trouble to the maintainer in the ways discribed at https://github.com/babolivier/cozy-archlinux#get-in-touch" msg "Checking ports availability" lsof -i :9002 > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? = "0" ]; then msg "Port 9002 (used by the Cozy controller) is already in use on this machine." exit 1 fi lsof -i :9101 > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? = "0" ]; then msg "Port 9101 (used by the Cozy Data System) is already in use on this machine." exit 1 fi lsof -i :9103 > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? = "0" ]; then msg "Port 9103 (used by the Cozy Home) is already in use on this machine." exit 1 fi lsof -i :9104 > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? = "0" ]; then msg "Port 9104 (used by the Cozy authentication proxy) is already in use on this machine." exit 1 fi msg "Installing CoffeeScript" npm install -g coffee-script msg 'Installing NPM dependencies...' npm config set python /usr/bin/python2 [ ! -d /usr/local/lib/node_modules/cozy-controller ] && npm install -g cozy-controller [ ! -d /usr/local/lib/node_modules/cozy-monitor ] && npm install -g cozy-monitor msg 'Creating UNIX users...' id cozy >/dev/null 2>&1 || useradd -M cozy id cozy-data-system >/dev/null 2>&1 || useradd -M cozy-data-system id cozy-home >/dev/null 2>&1 || useradd -M cozy-home chown -hR cozy /etc/cozy if [ ! -f /etc/cozy/couchdb.login ]; then msg 'Generating CouchDB tokens...' pwgen -1 > /etc/cozy/couchdb.login && \ pwgen -1 >> /etc/cozy/couchdb.login msg 'Enabling CouchDB' systemctl enable couchdb systemctl restart couchdb COUNT=0;MAX=20 while ! curl -s >/dev/null; do let "COUNT += 1" msg "Waiting for CouchDB to start... ($COUNT/$MAX)" if [[ $COUNT -ge $MAX ]]; then msg "CouchDB is too long to start" exit 1 fi sleep 5 done curl -s -X PUT$(head -n1 /etc/cozy/couchdb.login) -d "\"$(tail -n1 /etc/cozy/couchdb.login)\"" fi chown cozy-data-system /etc/cozy/couchdb.login chmod 640 /etc/cozy/couchdb.login msg 'Configuring Cozy Controller...' CONFIGFILE=/etc/supervisor.d/cozy-controller.ini if [ -f $CONFIGFILE ]; then echo "Old configuration moved to /etc/supervisor.d/cozy-controller.ini.old" mv /etc/supervisor.d/cozy-controller.ini /etc/supervisor.d/cozy-controller.ini.old fi mv /usr/share/cozy/supervisor-cozy-controller /etc/supervisor.d/cozy-controller.ini msg 'Starting supervisor' systemctl enable supervisord systemctl restart supervisord COUNT=0;MAX=20 while ! curl -s >/dev/null; do let "COUNT += 1" msg "Waiting for Cozy Controller to start... ($COUNT/$MAX)" if [[ $COUNT -ge $MAX ]]; then msg "Cozy Controller is too long to start" exit 1 fi sleep 5 done msg 'Installing Cozy Platform apps...' if [ ! -d /usr/local/cozy/apps/data-system ]; then cozy-monitor install-cozy-stack if [ $? = "1" ]; then echo "Error while installing the platform" && exit 1; fi fi cozy-monitor start data-system if [ ! -d /usr/local/cozy/apps/home ]; then cozy-monitor install home if [ $? = "1" ]; then echo "Error while installing the platform" && exit 1; fi fi cozy-monitor start home if [ ! -d /usr/local/cozy/apps/proxy ]; then cozy-monitor install proxy if [ $? = "1" ]; then echo "Error while installing the platform" && exit 1; fi fi cozy-monitor start proxy CURRENT_BACKGROUND=`/usr/bin/cozy_management get_cozy_param background` if [ "$CURRENT_BACKGROUND" != "None" ]; then echo "Cozy already configured with a background: $CURRENT_BACKGROUND" else echo "Configure Cozy with default background" curl -X POST http://localhost:9103/api/instance -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"background":"background-07"}' fi # Correcting display here echo "" msg "Installing default apps" for app in calendar contacts photos emails files sync; do if [ ! -f /usr/local/cozy/apps/.first-install-$app ]; then if [ -d /usr/local/cozy/apps/$app ]; then touch /usr/local/cozy/apps/.first-install-$app else cozy-monitor install $app && touch /usr/local/cozy/apps/.first-install-$app fi fi done if [ ! -f /usr/local/cozy/apps/.first-install-import-from-google ]; then if [ -d /usr/local/cozy/apps/import-from-google ]; then touch /usr/local/cozy/apps/.first-install-import-from-google else cozy-monitor install import-from-google -r https://github.com/cozy-labs/import-from-google.git && touch /usr/local/cozy/apps/.first-install-import-from-google fi fi msg "This package does not come with any configuration for reverse proxying, which is crucial for Cozy's well behaviour. In order for the platform to work, please configure a reverse proxy.\nFor more information, please visit https://docs.cozy.io/en/host/install/install-on-archlinux.html" echo "Before being able to use Cozy, you need to run the first-time-configuration script:" echo " # /usr/bin/configure-cozy-domain cozy.example.tld" echo "With your Cozy's own domain instead of \"cozy.example.tld\"" } pre_remove() { which cozy-monitor >/dev/null 2>&1 RESULT=$? if [ "$RESULT" = "0" ]; then APPS="$(cozy-monitor status | grep -vE '(mta|postfix|couch|controller|data-system|ds|home|proxy|error)' | sed 's/:.*//;s/\[Error//' | xargs echo)" APPS="$APPS proxy home data-system" for app in $APPS ; do cozy-monitor uninstall $app ; done fi which supervisorctl >/dev/null 2>&1 && supervisorctl stop cozy-controller } post_remove() { mv /etc/cozy/couchdb.login /tmp/couchdb.login [ -d /etc/cozy ] && msg "Deleting /etc/cozy directory" && rm -rf /etc/cozy [ -d /usr/local/var/log/cozy ] && msg "Deleting /usr/local/var/log/cozy directory" && rm -rf /usr/local/var/log/cozy [ -d /usr/local/cozy ] && msg "Deleting /usr/local/cozy directory" && rm -rf /usr/local/cozy msg "Erasing scripts and folders" [ -f /usr/local/sbin/debian-reconfigure-cozy-domain.sh ] && rm -f /usr/local/sbin/debian-reconfigure-cozy-domain.sh [ -d /usr/local/var/cozy ] && rm -rf /usr/local/var/cozy [ -d /usr/share/cozy ] && rm -rf /usr/share/cozy msg "Removing NPM dependencies" [ -f /usr/bin/cozy-controller ] && npm remove -g cozy-controller [ -f /usr/bin/cozy-controller ] && npm remove -g cozy-monitor msg "Removing supervisor configuration" test -e /etc/supervisor.d/cozy* && rm /etc/supervisor.d/cozy* supervisorctl reload echo "The Cozy database contains all your user data. Keeping it could be troublesome for further installations. However, it will not be removed, unless you do it manually." echo "Moved the admin logins to /tmp/couchdb.login" echo "Please don't forget to move it elsewhere if you don't want to lose access to your whole database." } post_upgrade() { # Check if the install went well cozy-monitor status > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? = "1" ]; then post_install else # Do update here echo "Hello world" > /dev/null fi }