#include "curses_win.h" int zoom_months[] = {60, 48, 36, 24, 12, 9, 6, 3, 1}, zoom_change_x_months[] = {12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 3, 3, 3, 2}; void portfolio_printw(void) { String* pString = portfolio_ncurses_get_plaintext_string(NULL); if (pString != NULL) { Info_Array* portfolio_data = portfolio_info_array_init_from_portfolio_string( pString); if (portfolio_data != NULL) { api_info_array_store_data_batch(portfolio_data, CHECK); info_array_portfolio_printw(portfolio_data); api_info_array_destroy(&portfolio_data); } string_destroy(&pString); } } void info_array_portfolio_printw(Info_Array* portfolio_data) { if (portfolio_data == NULL) return; initscr(); noecho(); // Don't echo keystrokes keypad(stdscr, TRUE); // Enables extra keystrokes curs_set(FALSE); // Hides cursor start_color(); init_pair(2, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK); // Init black background, white foreground bkgd(COLOR_PAIR(2)); // set background/foreground refresh(); int rows, cols; getmaxyx(stdscr, rows, cols); if (cols < 110) { endwin(); puts("Terminal too small."); api_info_array_destroy(&portfolio_data); return; } WINDOW* header_window = newwin(1, cols, 0, 0), * list_window, * total_window; int scroll_on = portfolio_data->length > (size_t) rows - 3; if (scroll_on) list_window = newwin(rows - 3, cols, 1, 0); else list_window = newwin((int) portfolio_data->length, cols, 1, 0); if (scroll_on) total_window = newwin(1, cols, rows - 1, 0); else total_window = newwin(1, cols, (int) portfolio_data->length + 2, 0); int sort_option = SORT_ALPHA; // Defaults to sort alphabetically int highlight_index = HIGHLIGHT_NONE; // Defaults to no highlight char highlight_sym[SYMBOL_MAX_LENGTH]; // Symbol of highlighted index int scroll_index = 0; // Defaults to first index int ch = 0; // getch() data from keyboard // For printing/formatting categories char* sort_categories_str[] = {"SYMBOL", "VALUE", "SPENT", "PROFIT", "(%)", "24H", "(%)", "7D", "(%)", "30D", "(%)"} , * sort_spacing_str[] = {" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "\n"}; do { /** HEADER **/ wattron(header_window, A_BOLD); // Bold categories mvwprintw(header_window, 0, 0, " AMOUNT "); for (int i = 0; i < SORT_PROFIT_30D_PERCENT + 1; i++) { if (sort_option == i) // Highlight current sorting category wattron(header_window, A_STANDOUT); wprintw(header_window, "%s", sort_categories_str[i]); if (sort_option == i) wattroff(header_window, A_STANDOUT); wprintw(header_window, "%s", sort_spacing_str[i]); } wattroff(header_window, A_BOLD); wrefresh(header_window); /** LIST **/ portfolio_sort(portfolio_data, sort_option); // Sort using sort_option Info* info; for (int i = scroll_index; i < (int) portfolio_data->length && i < getmaxy(list_window) + scroll_index; i++) { if (highlight_index == i) // Bold highlighted index wattron(list_window, A_BOLD); info = portfolio_data->array[i]; // Print security data one at a time mvwprintw(list_window, i - scroll_index, 0, "%8.2lf %6s %8.2lf %8.2lf %8.2lf (%6.2lf%%) %8.2lf (%6.2lf%%) %8.2lf " "(%6.2lf%%) %8.2lf (%6.2lf%%)\n", info->amount, info->symbol, info->current_value, info->total_spent, info->profit_total, info->profit_total_percent, info->profit_last_close, info->profit_last_close_percent, info->profit_7d, info->profit_7d_percent, info->profit_30d, info->profit_30d_percent); if (highlight_index == i) wattroff(list_window, A_BOLD); } wrefresh(list_window); /** TOTALS **/ wattron(total_window, A_BOLD); // Bold totals mvwprintw(total_window, 0, 0, " TOTALS %8.2lf %8.2lf %8.2lf (%6.2lf%%) %8.2lf (%6.2lf%%) %8.2lf " "(%6.2lf%%) %8.2lf (%6.2lf%%)", portfolio_data->totals->current_value, portfolio_data->totals->total_spent, portfolio_data->totals->profit_total, portfolio_data->totals->profit_total_percent, portfolio_data->totals->profit_last_close, portfolio_data->totals->profit_last_close_percent, portfolio_data->totals->profit_7d, portfolio_data->totals->profit_7d_percent, portfolio_data->totals->profit_30d, portfolio_data->totals->profit_30d_percent); wattroff(total_window, A_BOLD); wrefresh(total_window); /** USER INPUT **/ ch = getch(); // Get keyboard input // If key right and not right-most sort option if (ch == KEY_RIGHT && sort_option != SORT_PROFIT_30D_PERCENT) { // key RIGHT -- moves sort category right if (highlight_index != HIGHLIGHT_NONE) { strcpy(highlight_sym, portfolio_data->array[highlight_index]->symbol); sort_option++; portfolio_sort(portfolio_data, sort_option); for (size_t i = 0; i < portfolio_data->length; i++) if (strcmp(portfolio_data->array[i]->symbol, highlight_sym) == 0) highlight_index = (int) i; // Make sure the same security stays highlighted } else sort_option++; // If key left and not left-most sort option } else if (ch == KEY_LEFT && sort_option != SORT_ALPHA) { // key LEFT -- moves sort category left if (highlight_index != HIGHLIGHT_NONE) { strcpy(highlight_sym, portfolio_data->array[highlight_index]->symbol); sort_option--; portfolio_sort(portfolio_data, sort_option); // Sort security array for (size_t i = 0; i < portfolio_data->length; i++) if (strcmp(portfolio_data->array[i]->symbol, highlight_sym) == 0) highlight_index = (int) i; // Make sure the same security stays highlighted } else sort_option--; // If key down and not highlighting last index } else if (ch == KEY_DOWN && highlight_index < (int) portfolio_data->length - 1) { highlight_index++; if (scroll_on && highlight_index == getmaxy(list_window) + scroll_index) // Scroll down scroll_index++; // If key down and not highlighting first index } else if (ch == KEY_UP && highlight_index > 0) { highlight_index--; if (scroll_on && highlight_index == scroll_index - 1) // Scroll up scroll_index--; } } while (ch != 'q'); // "q" to quit endwin(); } void portfolio_print_stock(const char* symbol) { String* pString = portfolio_ncurses_get_plaintext_string(NULL); if (pString == NULL) return; Json* jobj = json_tokener_parse(pString->data); size_t i = 0, len = json_object_array_length(jobj); while (i < len && strcmp( json_object_get_string(json_object_object_get(json_object_array_get_idx(jobj, i), "Symbol")), symbol) != 0) i++; if (i == len) GOTO_CLEAN_MSG("Your portfolio does not contain any of this security.") Info* info = api_info_init(); strcpy(info->symbol, symbol); api_info_store_data_batch(info, CHECK); info->amount = json_object_get_double(json_object_object_get(json_object_array_get_idx(jobj, i), "Shares")); info->total_spent = json_object_get_double(json_object_object_get(json_object_array_get_idx(jobj, i), "USD_Spent")); info_store_check_data(info); printf(" AMOUNT SYMBOL VALUE SPENT PROFIT (%%) 24H (%%) 7D " " (%%) 30D " " (%%)\n%8.2lf %6s %8.2lf %8.2lf %8.2lf (%6.2lf%%) %8.2lf (%6.2lf%%) %8.2lf (%6.2lf%%) %8.2lf (%6.2lf%%)\n", info->amount, info->symbol, info->current_value, info->total_spent, info->profit_total, info->profit_total_percent, info->profit_last_close, info->profit_last_close_percent, info->profit_7d, info->profit_7d_percent, info->profit_30d, info->profit_30d_percent); api_info_destroy(&info); cleanup: json_object_put(jobj); string_destroy(&pString); } void interface_print(const char* symbol) { Info* symbol_info = api_info_init(); strcpy(symbol_info->symbol, symbol); api_info_store_data_batch(symbol_info, ALL); if (symbol_info->api_provider == EMPTY) { api_info_destroy(&symbol_info); RET_MSG("Invalid symbol.") } if (symbol_info->points == NULL || symbol_info->name[0] == '\0') { // If not IEX print to stdout info_print(symbol_info); api_info_destroy(&symbol_info); return; } initscr(); if (!has_colors()) GOTO_CLEAN_MSG("Your terminal does not support color.") int rows, cols; getmaxyx(stdscr, rows, cols); start_color(); init_pair(2, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK); // Init black background, white foreground bkgd(BLACK); // set background/foreground curs_set(FALSE); WINDOW* header_window = newwin(2, cols - 13, 0, 13); WINDOW* graph_window = newwin(GRAPH_HEIGHT, GRAPH_WIDTH, GRAPH_Y, GRAPH_X); WINDOW* company_window = newwin(COMPANY_HEIGHT, COMPANY_WIDTH, COMPANY_Y, COMPANY_X); WINDOW* news_window = newwin(NEWS_HEIGHT, NEWS_WIDTH, NEWS_Y, NEWS_X); WINDOW* peer_window = newwin(PEERS_HEIGHT, PEERS_WIDTH, PEERS_Y, PEERS_X); wbkgd(header_window, BLACK); wbkgd(graph_window, BLACK); wbkgd(company_window, BLACK); wbkgd(news_window, BLACK); wbkgd(peer_window, BLACK); int graph_rows, graph_cols; getmaxyx(graph_window, graph_rows, graph_cols); graph_cols -= 11; // 10 offset to give space for graph labels + 1 for right side graph_rows -= 3; // Make space for zoom indicator graph_rows -= graph_rows % ROWS_SPACING; // Round down to multiple of 5 if (graph_cols < GRAPH_COLS_MIN || graph_rows < GRAPH_ROWS_MIN) // Exits if the terminal is too small GOTO_CLEAN_MSG("Terminal not large enough.") header_printw(header_window, symbol_info); // Print to windows info_printw(company_window, symbol_info); news_printw(news_window, symbol_info); peers_printw(peer_window, symbol_info); wrefresh(header_window); // Refresh other windows before graph otherwise they won't print before next getch() wrefresh(company_window); wrefresh(news_window); wrefresh(peer_window); graph_printw(graph_window, symbol_info, NULL); // No refresh needed since getch() cleanup: endwin(); api_info_destroy(&symbol_info); } void header_printw(WINDOW* window, const Info* symbol_info) { if (symbol_info->intraday_time != EMPTY) { char time_str[DATE_MAX_LENGTH]; time_t time = symbol_info->intraday_time; // divide into second instead of milliseconds struct tm* ts = localtime(&time); strftime(time_str, DATE_MAX_LENGTH, "%F %T", ts); mvwprintw(window, 0, 0, "%s", time_str); } mvwprintw(window, 0, (int) (15 + strlen(symbol_info->name) + strlen(symbol_info->symbol)), "24H 7D "); if (symbol_info->price_30d != EMPTY) wprintw(window, "30D"); mvwprintw(window, 1, 0, "%s %s %8.2lf %6.2lf%% %6.2lf%% ", symbol_info->name, symbol_info->symbol, symbol_info->price, 100 * (symbol_info->price / symbol_info->price_last_close - 1), 100 * (symbol_info->price / symbol_info->price_7d - 1)); if (symbol_info->price_30d != EMPTY) wprintw(window, "%6.2lf%%", 100 * (symbol_info->price / symbol_info->price_30d - 1)); } void info_print(const Info* symbol_info) { if (strcmp(symbol_info->name, "") != 0) printf("Name: %s\n", symbol_info->name); if (strcmp(symbol_info->symbol, "") != 0) printf("Symbol: %s\n", symbol_info->symbol); if (symbol_info->price != EMPTY) printf("Price: $%lf\n", symbol_info->price); if (symbol_info->price_last_close != EMPTY) printf("Percent change 24h: %.2lf%%\n", 100 * (symbol_info->price / symbol_info->price_last_close - 1)); if (symbol_info->price_7d != EMPTY) printf("Percent change 7d: %.2lf%%\n", 100 * (symbol_info->price / symbol_info->price_7d - 1)); if (symbol_info->price_30d != EMPTY) printf("Percent change 30d: %.2lf%%\n", 100 * (symbol_info->price / symbol_info->price_30d - 1)); if (symbol_info->div_yield != EMPTY) printf("Dividend yield: %.2lf%%\n", symbol_info->div_yield); if (symbol_info->marketcap != EMPTY) printf("Market Cap: $%ld\n", symbol_info->marketcap); if (symbol_info->volume_1d != EMPTY) printf("Volume 24h: $%ld\n", symbol_info->volume_1d); } void info_printw(WINDOW* window, const Info* symbol_info) { if (symbol_info->description[0] != '\0') mvwprintw(window, 0, 0, "%s\n\n", symbol_info->description); else mvwprintw(window, 0, 0, "Description unavailable.\n\n"); if (symbol_info->ceo[0] != '\0') wprintw(window, "CEO: %s", symbol_info->ceo); else wprintw(window, "CEO unavailable."); if (symbol_info->website[0] != '\0') mvwprintw(window, getcury(window), getmaxx(window) / 2, "Website: %s\n", symbol_info->website); else mvwprintw(window, getcury(window), getmaxx(window) / 2, "Website unavailable.\n"); if (symbol_info->sector[0] != '\0') wprintw(window, "Sector: %s", symbol_info->sector); else wprintw(window, "Sector unavailable."); if (symbol_info->industry[0] != '\0') mvwprintw(window, getcury(window), getmaxx(window) / 2, "Industry: %s\n", symbol_info->industry); else mvwprintw(window, getcury(window), getmaxx(window) / 2, "Industry unavailable.\n"); if (symbol_info->revenue != EMPTY) wprintw(window, "Revenue: %ld", symbol_info->revenue); else wprintw(window, "Revenue unavailable."); if (symbol_info->gross_profit != EMPTY) mvwprintw(window, getcury(window), getmaxx(window) / 2, "Gross Profit: %ld\n", symbol_info->gross_profit); else mvwprintw(window, getcury(window), getmaxx(window) / 2, "Gross Profit unavailable.\n"); if (symbol_info->cash != EMPTY) wprintw(window, "Cash: %ld", symbol_info->cash); else wprintw(window, "Cash unavailable."); if (symbol_info->debt != EMPTY) mvwprintw(window, getcury(window), getmaxx(window) / 2, "Debt: %ld\n", symbol_info->debt); else mvwprintw(window, getcury(window), getmaxx(window) / 2, "Debt unavailable.\n"); if (symbol_info->marketcap != EMPTY) wprintw(window, "Market Cap: %ld", symbol_info->marketcap); else wprintw(window, "Market Cap unavailable."); if (symbol_info->volume_1d != EMPTY) mvwprintw(window, getcury(window), getmaxx(window) / 2, "Volume: %ld\n", symbol_info->volume_1d); else mvwprintw(window, getcury(window), getmaxx(window) / 2, "Volume unavailable.\n"); if (symbol_info->pe_ratio != EMPTY) wprintw(window, "P/E Ratio: %lf", symbol_info->pe_ratio); else wprintw(window, "P/E Ratio unavailable."); if (symbol_info->div_yield != EMPTY) mvwprintw(window, getcury(window), getmaxx(window) / 2, "Dividend Yield: %lf\n\n", symbol_info->div_yield); else mvwprintw(window, getcury(window), getmaxx(window) / 2, "Dividend Yield unavailable.\n\n"); for (int i = 0; i < QUARTERS && symbol_info->fiscal_period[i][0] != '\0'; i++) mvwprintw(window, getcury(window), 4 + i * getmaxx(window) / QUARTERS, "%s", symbol_info->fiscal_period[i]); waddch(window, '\n'); if (symbol_info->eps[0] != EMPTY) mvwprintw(window, getcury(window), 0, "EPS "); for (int i = 0; i < QUARTERS && symbol_info->eps[i] != EMPTY; i++) mvwprintw(window, getcury(window), 4 + i * getmaxx(window) / QUARTERS, "%.2lf", symbol_info->eps[i]); waddch(window, '\n'); if (symbol_info->eps_year_ago[0] != EMPTY) mvwprintw(window, getcury(window), 0, "1Y "); for (int i = 0; i < QUARTERS && symbol_info->eps_year_ago[i] != EMPTY; i++) mvwprintw(window, getcury(window), 4 + i * getmaxx(window) / QUARTERS, "%.2lf", symbol_info->eps_year_ago[i]); } void news_print(const char* symbol, int num_articles) { if (num_articles > 50 || num_articles < 1) RET_MSG("You cannot request more than 50 articles."); Info* symbol_info = api_info_init(); strcpy(symbol_info->symbol, symbol); symbol_info->num_articles = num_articles; api_info_store_data_batch(symbol_info, NEWS); if (symbol_info->api_provider == EMPTY) { api_info_destroy(&symbol_info); RET_MSG("Invalid symbol"); } for (int i = 0; i < symbol_info->num_articles; i++) printf("%s | %s | %s\n%s\n%s | Related: %s\n\n", symbol_info->articles[i]->headline, symbol_info->articles[i]->source, symbol_info->articles[i]->date, symbol_info->articles[i]->summary, symbol_info->articles[i]->url, symbol_info->articles[i]->related); api_info_destroy(&symbol_info); } void news_printw(WINDOW* window, const Info* symbol_info) { if (symbol_info->num_articles == EMPTY) wprintw(window, "News unavailable."); for (int i = 0; i < symbol_info->num_articles; i++) wprintw(window, "%s | %s | %s\n%s\n%s | Related: %s\n\n", symbol_info->articles[i]->headline, symbol_info->articles[i]->source, symbol_info->articles[i]->date, symbol_info->articles[i]->summary, symbol_info->articles[i]->url, symbol_info->articles[i]->related); } void peers_printw(WINDOW* window, const Info* symbol_info) { if (symbol_info->peers == NULL) { wprintw(window, "Peers unavailable."); return; } wprintw(window, "Peers:\n\nSYMBOL PRICE 24H%% 7D%% 30D%%"); Info* idx; for (size_t i = 0; i < symbol_info->peers->length; i++) { idx = symbol_info->peers->array[i]; mvwprintw(window, (int) i + 3, 0, "%6s %8.2lf %6.2lf%% %6.2lf%% %6.2lf%%", idx->symbol, idx->price, 100 * (idx->price / idx->price_last_close - 1), 100 * (idx->price / idx->price_7d - 1), 100 * (idx->price / idx->price_30d - 1)); } } void graph_print(const char* symbol, const char* symbol2) { Info* symbol_info = api_info_init(), * symbol_info2 = NULL; strcpy(symbol_info->symbol, symbol); api_info_store_data_batch(symbol_info, CHECK); if (symbol_info->api_provider == EMPTY) { api_info_destroy(&symbol_info); RET_MSG("Invalid symbol") } if (symbol2 != NULL) { symbol_info2 = api_info_init(); strcpy(symbol_info2->symbol, symbol2); api_info_store_data_batch(symbol_info2, CHECK); if (symbol_info2->api_provider == EMPTY) { api_info_destroy(&symbol_info); api_info_destroy(&symbol_info2); RET_MSG("Invalid symbol") } } initscr(); if (!has_colors()) { // compare command will use two colors to differentiate, so color must endwin(); // be supported. Must endwin() before puts() RET_MSG("Your terminal does not support color."); } graph_printw(stdscr, symbol_info, symbol_info2); api_info_destroy(&symbol_info); if (symbol_info2 != NULL) api_info_destroy(&symbol_info2); endwin(); } void graph_printw(WINDOW* window, Info* symbol_info, Info* symbol_info2) { noecho(); // Don't echo keystrokes keypad(window, TRUE); // Enables extra keystrokes curs_set(0); // Hides cursor start_color(); // Enable colors for comparison init_pair(1, COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK); // Init color red init_pair(2, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK); // Init black background, white foreground wbkgd(window, BLACK); // set background/foreground time_t now = time(NULL); struct tm today_date = *localtime(&now), start_date = today_date, furthest_back_date = today_date, end; start_date.tm_year -= 5, furthest_back_date.tm_year -= 5; // Go back five years double seconds = difftime(mktime(&today_date), mktime(&furthest_back_date)); // Calculate total number of trading days between today and five years ago int trading_days = (int) ((1.0 / DAYS_TO_BUSINESS_DAYS_RATIO) * seconds / 86400.0); int total_data_points = 0, total_data_points2 = 0; for (int i = 0; symbol_info->points[i] != '\0'; i++) // Calculate total number of data points in the security. This may not total_data_points++; // be equal to trading days if the security is younger than 5 years old if (trading_days - total_data_points > 0) // If younger than 5, realloc with num of trading days and fill with EMPTY symbol_info->points = graph_fill_empty(symbol_info->points, total_data_points, trading_days); if (symbol_info2 != NULL) { for (int i = 0; symbol_info2->points[i] != '\0'; i++) total_data_points2++; if (trading_days - total_data_points2 > 0) symbol_info2->points = graph_fill_empty(symbol_info2->points, total_data_points2, trading_days); } int ch, zoom = ZOOM_5y; graph_draw(window, symbol_info, symbol_info2, &start_date, zoom); // Initial graph of 5 year history while ((ch = wgetch(window)) != 'q') { // Main input loop -- end if keypress 'q' if ((ch == KEY_UP && zoom != ZOOM_1m) || (ch == KEY_DOWN && zoom != ZOOM_5y) || (zoom != ZOOM_5y && (ch == KEY_LEFT || ch == KEY_RIGHT))) { // UP / DOWN / LEFT / RIGHT if (ch == KEY_UP) { zoom++; start_date.tm_mon += zoom_change_x_months[zoom]; } else if (ch == KEY_RIGHT || ch == KEY_DOWN) { if (ch == KEY_DOWN) zoom--; if (zoom == ZOOM_1m) start_date.tm_mon += 1; // Moves only one month if zoom is 1 month else start_date.tm_mon += zoom_change_x_months[zoom]; } else { // LEFT if (zoom == ZOOM_1m) start_date.tm_mon -= 1; // Moves only one month if zoom is 1 month else start_date.tm_mon -= zoom_change_x_months[zoom]; if (difftime(mktime(&start_date), mktime(&furthest_back_date)) < 0) start_date = furthest_back_date; // Can't go back past furthest_date } end = start_date; // If trying to go past current date, set start to (zoom level - current date) end.tm_mon += zoom_months[zoom]; if (difftime(mktime(&end), mktime(&today_date)) > 0) { start_date = today_date; start_date.tm_mon -= zoom_months[zoom]; } graph_draw(window, symbol_info, symbol_info2, &start_date, zoom); } } } void graph_draw(WINDOW* window, Info* symbol_info, Info* symbol_info2, struct tm* start_time, int zoom) { wmove(window, 0, 0); // Instead of clear()ing, move to the top left corner and re-print int cols, rows; getmaxyx(window, rows, cols); cols -= 11; // 10 offset to give space for graph labels + 1 for right side rows -= 3; // Make space for zoom indicator rows -= rows % ROWS_SPACING; // Round down to multiple of 5 if (cols < GRAPH_COLS_MIN || rows < GRAPH_ROWS_MIN) // Exits if the terminal is too small RET_MSG("Terminal not large enough.") time_t now = time(NULL); struct tm end_date = *start_time, * five_y = localtime(&now); end_date.tm_mon += zoom_months[zoom], five_y->tm_year -= 5; double seconds = difftime(mktime(&end_date), mktime(start_time)); int trading_days = (int) ((1.0 / DAYS_TO_BUSINESS_DAYS_RATIO) * seconds / 86400.0); // Total trading days to print seconds = difftime(mktime(start_time), mktime(five_y)); int starting_index = (int) ((1.0 / DAYS_TO_BUSINESS_DAYS_RATIO) * seconds / 86400.0); double max = symbol_info->points[starting_index], min = symbol_info->points[starting_index]; int k = 0; while (max == EMPTY) // If initial max is EMPTY, get first non-EMPTY value max = symbol_info->points[++k]; if (k > 0) // Do the same thing with min min = max; for (int i = starting_index + 1; i < trading_days + starting_index; i++) { if (symbol_info->points[i] != EMPTY) { // Ignore EMPTY values if (symbol_info->points[i] > max) // Find max and min values for graph upper/lower bounds max = symbol_info->points[i]; if (symbol_info->points[i] < min) min = symbol_info->points[i]; } } double line_diff = (max - min) / rows, day_close; // Each line includes data point up to line_diff below double max2 = 0, min2 = 0, line_diff2 = 0, day_close2 = 0; if (symbol_info2 != NULL) { max2 = symbol_info2->points[starting_index], min2 = symbol_info2->points[starting_index]; k = 0; while (max2 == EMPTY) // If initial max is EMPTY, get first non-EMPTY value max2 = symbol_info2->points[++k]; if (k > 0) // Do the same thing with min min2 = max2; for (int i = starting_index + 1; i < trading_days + starting_index; i++) { if (symbol_info2->points[i] != EMPTY) { // Ignore EMPTY values if (symbol_info2->points[i] > max2) // Find max and min values for graph upper/lower bounds max2 = symbol_info2->points[i]; if (symbol_info2->points[i] < min2) min2 = symbol_info2->points[i]; } } line_diff2 = (max2 - min2) / rows; // Each line includes data point up to line_diff below } for (int i = rows; i >= 0; i--) { if (i % ROWS_SPACING == 0) // Print y-axis price labels with width 10 wprintw(window, "%9.2lf ", (max - ((rows - i) * line_diff))); else if (symbol_info2 != NULL && (i - 1) % ROWS_SPACING == 0) { // Print comparison price label above wattron(window, RED); wprintw(window, "%9.2lf ", (max2 - ((rows - i) * line_diff2))); wattroff(window, RED); } else wprintw(window, " "); // Indent width 10 otherwise for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) { day_close = symbol_info->points[starting_index + (int) ((double) j * trading_days / cols)]; // Get close prices if (symbol_info2 != NULL) day_close2 = symbol_info2->points[starting_index + (int) ((double) j * trading_days / cols)]; if (day_close <= (max - ((rows - i) * line_diff)) && day_close > (min + ((i - 1) * line_diff))) waddch(window, ACS_DIAMOND); // Print diamond if close price is within line_diff else if (symbol_info2 != NULL && day_close2 <= (max2 - ((rows - i) * line_diff2)) && day_close2 > (min2 + ((i - 1) * line_diff2))) { wattron(window, RED); waddch(window, ACS_DIAMOND); // Print RED diamond if close price is within line_diff wattroff(window, RED); } else if (i % ROWS_SPACING == 0 && j % COLS_SPACING == 0) // Cross on corners waddch(window, ACS_PLUS); else if (i % ROWS_SPACING == 0) // Horizontal line every ROWS_SPACING lines waddch(window, ACS_HLINE); else if (j % COLS_SPACING == 0) // Vertical line every COLS_SPACING lines waddch(window, ACS_VLINE); else // Otherwise prints a space waddch(window, ' '); } waddch(window, '\n'); // Newline on line end } wprintw(window, " "); // Indent to center date labels char time_string[16]; double days_per_col_spacing = (DAYS_TO_BUSINESS_DAYS_RATIO * trading_days) / (cols / COLS_SPACING); struct tm copy = *start_time; for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++) { if (i % (2 * COLS_SPACING) == 0 && cols - i > 5) { // Print x-axis date labels every two if (i != 0) copy.tm_sec += days_per_col_spacing * 2.0 * 86400.0; mktime(©); strftime(time_string, 16, "%m/%d/%Y", ©); wprintw(window, "%s ", time_string); // Width 2 * COLS_SPACING } } waddch(window, '\n'); waddch(window, '\n'); wprintw(window, "%s", symbol_info->symbol); // Empty line as spacing, then print key containing the symbol(s) and diamond // with color waddch(window, ACS_DIAMOND); if (symbol_info2 != NULL) { wattron(window, RED); wprintw(window, " %s", symbol_info2->symbol); waddch(window, ACS_DIAMOND); wattroff(window, RED); } waddch(window, ' '); size_t offset = (cols / 2) - (11 + strlen(symbol_info->symbol)); // Center zoom level if (symbol_info2 != NULL) offset -= strlen(symbol_info2->symbol) + 2; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < offset; i++) waddch(window, ' '); // Center text const char* str[9] = {"5y", "4y", "3y", "2y", "1y", "9m", "6m", "3m", "1m"}; // Zoom level for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if (zoom == i) wattron(window, A_STANDOUT); // Highlight current zoom level waddstr(window, str[i]); wattroff(window, A_STANDOUT); waddch(window, ' '); } } double* graph_fill_empty(double* points, int size, int trading_days) { int difference = trading_days - size; points = realloc(points, (size_t) sizeof(double) * (trading_days + 1)); // Realloc for number of trading days pointer_alloc_check(points); points[trading_days] = '\0'; memmove(&points[difference], points, sizeof(double) * size); // Move points to end for (int i = 0; i < difference; i++) // Initialize newly allocated bytes as EMPTY points[i] = EMPTY; return points; }