post_install() { echo "v v v v v v v v v v To setup dab-rs, you need to create a database and user in postgresql: # sudo -u postgres -- psql \\ -c \"CREATE USER dab_rs_user WITH PASSWORD 'A_SECURE_PASSWORD_THAT_I_HAVE_REPLACED';\" \\ -c \"CREATE DATABASE dab_rs OWNER dab_rs_user;\" \\ -c \"GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE dab_rs TO dab_rs_user;\" \\ -c \"REVOKE CONNECT ON DATABASE dab_rs FROM PUBLIC;\" Then update the configuration in /etc/dab-rs/Settings.toml. Finally enable/start the service: # systemctl enable --now dab-rs.service Consider clearing your shell history to remove the database password. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^" }