post_install() { chown -R http:http var/lib/dolibarr chown http:http etc/webapps/dolibarr/conf.php echo 'Please configure your webserver. Example files are provided in /etc/webapps/dolibarr' echo 'It could be necessary to add /var/lib/dolibarr/ to open_basedir in php.ini' echo 'Finish installation by pointing your webbrowser to http://dolibarr.localdomain/install' } post_upgrade() { old=`expr $2 : '\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.\)'`"0" new=`expr $1 : '\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.\)'`"0" if [ $old == $new ] then if [ $old == '3.8.0' ] then old='3.7.0' fi fi rm var/lib/dolibarr/install.lock cd usr/share/webapps/dolibarr/htdocs/install echo 'upgrade.php' $old $new php upgrade.php $old $new > /dev/null echo 'upgrade2.php' $old $new php upgrade2.php $old $new > /dev/null php step5.php $old $new > /dev/null cd / touch var/lib/dolibarr/install.lock chmod 444 var/lib/dolibarr/install.lock }