post_install() { post_upgrade passwd -l facette &>/dev/null } post_upgrade() { # create user/group that the daemon will run as by default, do not delete this on uninstall, as it will own files getent group facette >/dev/null || groupadd facette getent passwd facette >/dev/null || useradd -c 'facette' -g facette -b '/var/lib' -m -s /bin/false facette chown facette:facette /etc/facette chmod 755 /etc/facette chmod 644 /etc/facette/facette.json chmod 755 /etc/facette/providers chown facette:facette /var/run/facette chmod 755 /var/run/facette chown facette:facette /var/log/facette chmod 755 /var/log/facette }