; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Configurations for factom-walletd ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Walletd] ; These are the username and password that factom-walletd requires ; This file is also used by factom-cli to determine what login to use ;WalletRpcUser = "" ;WalletRpcPass = "" ; These define if the connection to the wallet should be encrypted, and if it is, what files ; are the secret key and the public certificate. factom-cli uses the certificate specified here if TLS is enabled. ; To use default files and paths leave /full/path/to/... in place. ;WalletTlsEnabled = false ;WalletTlsPrivateKey = "/full/path/to/walletAPIpriv.key" ;WalletTlsPublicCert = "/full/path/to/walletAPIpub.cert" ; This is where factom-walletd and factom-cli will find factomd to interact with the blockchain ; This value can also be updated to authorize an external ip or domain name when factomd creates a TLS cert ;FactomdLocation = "localhost:8088" ; This is where factom-cli will find factom-walletd to create Factoid and Entry Credit transactions ; This value can also be updated to authorize an external ip or domain name when factom-walletd creates a TLS cert ;WalletdLocation = "localhost:8089"