post_install() { systemd-sysusers factorio.conf [[ -d /var/lib/factorio ]] || install -dm 770 -o factorio -g games /var/lib/factorio chown factorio:games /etc/factorio/* } pre_upgrade() { (( $(vercmp $2 '0.15.31-1') >= 0 )) || { if systemctl is-active -q factorio.service; then echo Stopping factorio.service... systemctl stop factorio.service &>/dev/null fi } } post_upgrade() { (( $(vercmp $2 '0.15.31-1') >= 0 )) || { # Source previous settings (or default setting if the config file was untouched) local old_path=/var/lib/factorio/.factorio/saves/ local new_path=/var/lib/factorio/ if [[ -f $old_path ]]; then if [[ -f $new_path ]]; then echo "The default save file location was changed from '$old_path' to '$new_path' but this file already exists so it won't be overwritten." else echo "The default save file location was changed. Copying the old file to the new location." cp -v $old_path $new_path fi echo fi if [[ -f /etc/conf.d/factorio.pacnew ]]; then source /etc/conf.d/factorio if [[ -z $SAVE_FILE || $SAVE_FILE == $old_path ]]; then SAVE_FILE=$new_path fi SAVE_NAME=$(cd /var/lib/factorio; realpath "$SAVE_FILE" --relative-base /var/lib/factorio/) SAVE_NAME=${} echo "The SAVE_FILE setting has been replaced by the SAVE_NAME setting which doesn't include the .zip suffix anymore" echo "Based on your current settings, you should set (in /etc/conf.d/factorio):" echo "SAVE_NAME=$SAVE_NAME" echo fi echo "The systemd service file has been updated, don't forget to run 'systemctl daemon-reload' before restarting factorio." post_install $1 chmod 600 /etc/factorio/server-settings.json } chown factorio:games /etc/factorio/* }