# Configuration for FbTerm # Lines starting with '#' are ignored. # Note that end-of-line comments are NOT supported, comments must be on a line of their own. # font family names/pixelsize used by fbterm, multiple font family names must be seperated by ',' # and using a fixed width font as the first is strongly recommended font-names=xos4 Terminus font-size=12 # force font width (and/or height), usually for non-fixed width fonts # legal value format: n (fw_new = n), +n (fw_new = fw_old + n), -n (fw_new = fw_old - n) #font-width= #font-height= # terminal palette consists of 256 colors (0-255) # 0 = black, 1 = red, 2 = green, 3 = brown, 4 = blue, 5 = magenta, 6 = cyan, 7 = white # 8-15 are brighter versions of 0-7 # 16-231 is 6x6x6 color cube # 232-255 is grayscale color-0=000000 color-1=AA0000 color-2=00AA00 color-3=AA5500 color-4=0000AA color-5=AA00AA color-6=00AAAA color-7=AAAAAA color-8=555555 color-9=FF5555 color-10=55FF55 color-11=FFFF55 color-12=5555FF color-13=FF55FF color-14=55FFFF color-15=FFFFFF # default foreground/background colors (chosen from palette) color-foreground=7 color-background=0 # max scroll-back history lines of every window, value must be [0 - 65535], 0 means disable it history-lines=0 # up to 5 additional text encodings, multiple encodings must be seperated by ',' # run 'iconv --list' to get available encodings. text-encodings= # cursor shape: 0 = underline, 1 = block # cursor flash interval in milliseconds, 0 means disable flashing cursor-shape=0 cursor-interval=500 # additional ascii chars considered as part of a word while auto-selecting text, except ' ', 0-9, a-z, A-Z word-chars=._- # change the clockwise orientation angle of screen display # available values: 0 = 0 degree, 1 = 90 degrees, 2 = 180 degrees, 3 = 270 degrees screen-rotate=0 # specify the favorite input method program to run input-method= # treat ambiguous width characters as wide #ambiguous-wide=yes