post_install() { echo ":: Setting up ayu_path..." fish -Pc 'set -U ayu_path /etc/fish/' echo ":: ayu_path has been set!" echo ":: You must choose one of three options for your scheme: light, dark, or mirage" echo ":: You can set the colorscheme with 'set -U ayu_variant {scheme}', then load it with 'load_ayu_theme'" } post_upgrade() { echo ":: Checking for existing ayu_path..." fish -Pc 'set -Uq ayu_path' if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then echo ":: ayu_path already set!" else echo ":: ayu_path not set!" post_install fi } pre_remove() { echo ":: Removing ayu_path" fish -Pc 'set -Uq ayu_path || set -Ue ayu_path' echo ":: Removed ayu_path!" }