#!/usr/bin/env -S sed -Ef # A large part of the changes is derived from a diff between 0.48 and # Debian's 0.48.5, excluding changes included in the new gcide release and # those that do not change the final output. # # Sources: # http://archive.debian.org/debian-archive/debian/pool/main/d/dict-gcide/dict-gcide_0.48.orig.tar.gz # http://deb.debian.org/debian/pool/main/d/dict-gcide/dict-gcide_0.48.5.tar.xz # TODO: # * '[]' (dict -d gcide duff) # * '' (dict -d gcide legislature) ## GENERAL # Remove book and publ tags in a qau element. # `webfmt' fails on . # `' seems to be removed by webfmt, so apparently not necessary to # remove here. s`([^<]*)(|)([^<]*)(|)`\1\3`g ## CIDE.A # Add presumably missing word. \`^\{ Ar"que\*bus, Ar"que\*buse \}` { s`(A sort of hand gun or firearm) (a contrivance)`\1 with \2` } ## CIDE.L s`\<(province)w\>`\1`g ## S s`measurments`measurements`g # If one wanted to fix more than necessary (Debian does): #\`^Ses\*quip"li\*cate` { # s`^`

` # s`<(/?)i>`<\1xex>`g # # s`()(a|b)()Principle of virtual velocities` { s`-(- Virtual image)`\1` }