#!/bin/sh # adapted by lnl from project's repo # To debug the tool, you can pass the following env to enable debug # mode and set an observatory port: # FLUTTER_TOOL_ARGS="$FLUTTER_TOOL_ARGS --enable-asserts --observe=65432" set -e export FLUTTER_ROOT="${FLUTTER_ROOT:-/usr/lib/flutter}" FLUTTER_TOOLS_DIR="$FLUTTER_ROOT/packages/flutter_tools" SNAPSHOT_PATH="$FLUTTER_ROOT/bin/cache/flutter_tools.snapshot" # Test if running as superuser – but don't warn if running within Docker or CI. if [ "$(id -u)" = "0" ] && ! [ -f /.dockerenv ] && [ "$CI" != "true" ] && [ "$BOT" != "true" ] && [ "$CONTINUOUS_INTEGRATION" != "true" ]; then >&2 echo " Woah! You appear to be trying to run flutter as root." >&2 echo " We strongly recommend running the flutter tool without superuser privileges." >&2 echo " /" >&2 echo "📎" fi exec dart --disable-dart-dev --packages="$FLUTTER_TOOLS_DIR/.dart_tool/package_config.json" $FLUTTER_TOOL_ARGS "$SNAPSHOT_PATH" "$@"