#!/usr/bin/perl require 5.008; # fmfix.pl v1.0 # Copyright 2015 by Chris Severance aur.severach aATt spamgourmet dott com # May be distributed under the terms of the GNU Public Licence, V2 or any later version. # For HylaFAX+, 2015/05/11 Chris Severance for Arch Linux # Usage: gs -q -sDEVICE=tiffg3 -sFONTPATH=/usr/share/fonts/Type1 /var/spool/hylafax/bin/genfontmap.ps | fmfix.pl > Fontmap.HylaFAX # Note: gs requires a FONTPATH but completely ignores any fonts contained within. # All you get is a lousy copy of /usr/share/ghostscript/0.00/Resource/Init/Fontmap.GS mangled by genfontmap.ps # which could have been obtained much less obtusely with the likes of sed, awk, cut, expr, # or a crufty perl script similar to this one. # Testing: # gs -q -sDEVICE=tiffg3 -sFONTPATH=/usr/share/fonts/Type1 /var/spool/hylafax/bin/genfontmap.ps > fmtest.txt # fmfix.pl < fmtest.txt > Fontmap.HylaFAX # gsfontmap.ps used to produce all lines with filenames: # (Hershey-Script-Simplex-Bold) (hrscsb.gsf) ; # but now for some fonts it just puts the name: # (Courier) /NimbusMon-Reg ; # figuring that gs will know how to find them. This totally borks HylaFAX+ TextFormat.c++ # ability to find the associated .afm metrics file so you get an error: # NimbusMon-Bol: No glyph metric table located... # To fix this we quit using the new URWfonts which don't have metrics # and use the old "35" gsfonts which do. They're already in the FONTPATH. # To make HylaFAX use them specifically we sub in # the filename instead of the new font name. This change only happens in # a HylaFAX+ config file so other apps that use ghostscript are not affected. # Hack-n-slash our way through the "35" Type 1 font files to get the names. # The .pfb files are of the form: # 6 hex codes, mostly consistent but might contain a \n # %!PS-AdobeFont-...: MyFontName ...\n # Quit changing names! # This translates from the first line of *.pfb to the second column in the .gs listing my %brokenxlat=( 'BookmanURW-DemBol' => 'URWBookman-Demi', 'BookmanURW-DemBolIta' => 'URWBookman-DemiItalic', 'BookmanURW-Lig' => 'URWBookman-Light', 'BookmanURW-LigIta' => 'URWBookman-LightItalic', 'CenturySchURW-Bol' => 'C059-Bold', 'CenturySchURW-BolIta' => 'C059-BdIta', 'CenturySchURW-Ita' => 'C059-Italic', 'CenturySchURW-Rom' => 'C059-Roman', 'ChanceryURW-MedIta' => 'Z003-MediumItalic', 'Dingbats' => 'D050000L', 'NimbusMono-Bold' => 'NimbusMonoPS-Bold', 'NimbusMono-BoldOblique' => 'NimbusMonoPS-BoldItalic', 'NimbusMono-Oblique' => 'NimbusMonoPS-Italic', 'NimbusMono-Regular' => 'NimbusMonoPS-Regular', 'NimbusRomNo9L-Med' => 'NimbusRoman-Bold', 'NimbusRomNo9L-MedIta' => 'NimbusRoman-BoldItalic', 'NimbusRomNo9L-Reg' => 'NimbusRoman-Italic', 'NimbusRomNo9L-RegIta' => 'NimbusRoman-Regular', 'NimbusSanL-Bol' => 'NimbusSans-Bold', 'NimbusSanL-BolIta' => 'NimbusSans-BoldOblique', 'NimbusSanL-Reg' => 'NimbusSans-Regular', 'NimbusSanL-RegIta' => 'NimbusSans-Oblique', 'NimbusSanNar-Bol' => 'NimbusSansNarrow-Bold', 'NimbusSanNar-BolIta' => 'NimbusSansNarrow-BdOblique', 'NimbusSanNar-Ita' => 'NimbusSansNarrow-Oblique', 'NimbusSanNar-Reg' => 'NimbusSansNarrow-Regular', # A bad match to Palatino. At least the names have some of the same letters. 'PalladioURW-Bol' => 'P052-Bold', 'PalladioURW-BolIta' => 'P052-BoldItalic', 'PalladioURW-Ita' => 'P052-Italic', 'PalladioURW-Rom' => 'P052-Roman', 'StandardSymL' => 'StandardSymbolsPS', 'URWGothic-Boo' => 'URWGothic-Book', 'URWGothic-BooObl' => 'URWGothic-BookOblique', 'URWGothic-Dem' => 'URWGothic-Demi', 'URWGothic-DemObl' => 'URWGothic-DemiOblique', ); use strict; use warnings; my $gsfolder="/usr/share/fonts/Type1"; # Arch Linux package 'gsfonts-type1' opendir(GSFONTS, $gsfolder) or die "Can't open directory: $!\n"; my $liner; my $file; my %fontxlat; while ($file = readdir(GSFONTS)) { if ($file =~ m/\.pfb$/ ) { open(FONT,"<",$gsfolder."/".$file) or die; read (FONT, $liner,6, 0); # discard first 6 characters $liner = ; close(FONT); if ( $liner =~ m/%!PS-AdobeFont[^:]+: ([^ ]+) /) { if ($brokenxlat{$1}) { $fontxlat{$brokenxlat{$1}}=$file; } else { #print STDERR " '$1' => '',\n"; $fontxlat{$1}=$file; } } else { print STDERR "Not found $file\n"; } } } closedir(GSFONTS); #exit 1; #open(FONTMAP,"<","Fontmap.HylaFAX") or die; # Manually translate from the second column to a best match font name $fontxlat{'ArialMT'}="n019003l.pfb"; $fontxlat{'Arial-BoldMT'}="n019004l.pfb"; $fontxlat{'Arial-BoldItalicMT'}="n019024l.pfb"; $fontxlat{'Arial-ItalicMT'}="n019023l.pfb"; $fontxlat{'TimesNewRomanPSMT'}="n021023l.pfb"; $fontxlat{'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT'}="n021004l.pfb"; $fontxlat{'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT'}="n021024l.pfb"; $fontxlat{'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT'}="n021003l.pfb"; # Arial looks good to me! $fontxlat{'Cyrillic-Regular'}="n019003l.pfb"; $fontxlat{'Shareware-Cyrillic-Italic'}="n019023l.pfb"; $fontxlat{'Shareware-Cyrillic-Regular'}="n019003l.pfb"; # Times looks good to me $fontxlat{'CharterBT-Bold'}="n021004l.pfb"; $fontxlat{'CharterBT-BoldItalic'}="n021024l.pfb"; $fontxlat{'CharterBT-Italic'}="n021003l.pfb"; $fontxlat{'CharterBT-Roman'}="n021023l.pfb"; # Convert all lines of the form # (BoringFontName)\t/AnotherBoringFontName ; # to # (BoringFontName)\t(InterestingFileName.pfb) ; while($liner = ) { if ($liner =~ m:^[(]([^)]+)[)]\t/([^ ]+) ;: and $fontxlat{$2} ) { print "($1)\t($fontxlat{$2}) ;\n"; # % fixed by HylaFAX+ $0! } else { print $liner; } } #close(FONTMAP);