post_install() { echo "Follow instructions on the upstream page or on the Arch Wiki for setting up the Funkwhale server:" echo "" } post_upgrade() { #echo "Follow instructions on the upstream page or on the Arch Wiki for updating" ## for funkwhale<1.3.0 VER_13="1.3.0" if [ $(vercmp $2 $VER_13) -lt 0 ]; then sudo systemctl stop funkwhale.service echo "Use instead of funkwhale.service in version 1.3.0" echo "The nginx config /etc/nginx/sites-available/funkwhale.conf needs to be updated, compare to /etc/webapps/funkwhale/nginx.template" fi sudo systemctl stop sudo systemctl daemon-reload VENV_BIN=/usr/share/webapps/funkwhale/virtualenv/bin export $(cat /srv/funkwhale/config/env | grep -v ^# | xargs) "${VENV_BIN}"/funkwhale-manage collectstatic --no-input sudo -E "${VENV_BIN}"/funkwhale-manage migrate sudo systemctl start }