post_install() { cat <<'EOF' For bash, add the following to your .bashrc: source /usr/share/fzf-tab-completion/bash/ bind -x '"\t": fzf_bash_completion' For zsh, add the following to your .zshrc: source /usr/share/fzf-tab-completion/zsh/ bindkey '^I' fzf_completion For readline, install rl_custom_function and add the following to your .inputrc: $include function rl_custom_complete /usr/lib/ C-i rl_custom_complete You may wish to use fzf-tab-completion with nodejs repl, add the following to your .zshrc / .bashrc: alias node='node -r /usr/share/fzf-tab-completion/node/fzf-node-completion.js' Please read for more information. EOF } post_upgrade() { post_install }