# To build, copy this file to gcconfig.pri and then fill in the paths. # You can define the name of the executable file here. # If you do not specify anything then we default to: GoldenCheetah #APP_NAME = # We recommend a debug build for development and a release build for deployment #CONFIG += debug CONFIG += release # uncomment below and configure the location of the GNU scientific library, # this is a mandatory dependency. # # Linux/Mac - use apt/homebrew to install and edit to your install location GSL_INCLUDES = /usr/include GSL_LIBS = -lgsl -lgslcblas -lm # # Windows - use vcpkg to install and edit to your install location #GSL_INCLUDES = c:\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\include #GSL_LIBS = -LC:\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\lib -lgsl -lgslcblas # Uncomment below if you want an R chart # You will need R installed along with the Rcpp and RInside # packages. There is an R script in the `util' directory that # can be run to install these packages; see it for more info. packagesExist(libR) { DEFINES += GC_WANT_R } # Uncomment below if you want Python charting / ML etc # You will need Python Development tools installed # # Libs needed can typically be found by calling e.g # python3.6-config --libs # # below 3 lines work well on Linux style OS DEFINES += GC_WANT_PYTHON CONFIG += link_pkgconfig # Add python3 using pkg-config PKGCONFIG += python3 python3-embed #PYTHONINCLUDES = -I/usr/include/python3.6 #PYTHONLIBS = -L/usr/lib/python3.6/config-3.6m-x86_64-linux-gnu -lpython3.6m # below 3 lines work well on Windows #DEFINES += GC_WANT_PYTHON #PYTHONINCLUDES = -I\"C:\Program Files\Python36\include\" #PYTHONLIBS = -L\"C:\Program Files\Python36\libs\" -lpython36 #Below work ok on MacOS High Sierra #DEFINES += GC_WANT_PYTHON #PYTHONINCLUDES = -I/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/include/python3.6m #PYTHONLIBS = -L/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib -lpython3.6m # put output into a separate dir # to keep main directory clear #DESTDIR = . #OBJECTS_DIR = ./.obj #MOC_DIR = ./.moc #RCC_DIR = ./.rcc #UI_DIR = ./.ui # Global conf file name: If you'd like to use a different global config file # name than the default (e.g. for testing purposes), set it here. #DEFINES += GC_SETTINGS_APP=\\\"GoldenCheetahTest\\\" # If you want a console window to appear on Windows machines # then uncomment the following two lines. #CONFIG += console #QMAKE_LFLAGS = -mwindows # To compile translation you need QT tool - lrelease # If it is not found using he defaults in src/src.pro # then set the full path and filename here. #QMAKE_LRELEASE = /usr/bin/lrelease # MSVC needs the WINDOWS KIT libraries for the memory model you are building #WINKIT_INSTALL= "C:/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/8.1/Lib/winv6.3/um/x64" # We use g++ on all platforms so switch on auto vectorization amongst other # things to speed up looping over ride file points QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -O3 # Let us know where flex and bison are installed. # You may need to specify the full path if things don't work. #QMAKE_LEX = flex #QMAKE_YACC = bison # If you're compiling with nmake and VC then you # will likely also use win_flex and win_bison # so uncomment below #QMAKE_LEX = win_flex #QMAKE_YACC = win_bison #win32 { # QMAKE_YACC = bison --file-prefix=y -t # QMAKE_MOVE = cmd /c move # QMAKE_DEL_FILE = rm -f #} # If you want SRM download support you must install SRMIO # http://www.zuto.de/project/srmio/ # Set path to the root of the SRMIO installation # If you installed in /usr/local/srmio then set # SRMIO_INSTALL = /usr/local/srmio # This will automatically set: # SRMIO_INCLUDE = $${SRMIO_INSTALL}/include # SRMIO_LIBS = $${SRMIO_INSTALL}/lib/libsrmio.a # You may override the INCLUDE and LIB files if you like. # You *must* define SRMIO_INSTALL to use this feature. exists(/usr/lib/libsrmio.a) { SRMIO_INSTALL = yes SRMIO_INCLUDE = /usr/include/ SRMIO_LIBS = /usr/lib/libsrmio.a } # If you want D2XX device downloads, you need the D2XX libraries # http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/D2XX.htm # Set path to where the D2XX include file (d2xx.h) is located # If the files are in /usr/include/d2xx then set # D2XX = /usr/include/d2xx # If for some reason you need a library to compile d2xx support # specify it on the D2XX_LIBS = line. # You *must* define D2XX_INCLUDE to use this feature. exists(/usr/lib/libftd2xx.so) { D2XX_INCLUDE = /usr/include/ D2XX_LIBS = /usr/lib/libftd2xx.so } # If you want support for Google Earth .kml files then you need # to install the Google libkml library # # http://code.google.com/p/libkml/ # or on Linux sudo apt-get install libkml-dev # # then set the following variable appropriately # to the root of the libs/include path exists(/usr/lib/libkmldom.so) { KML_INSTALL = yes KML_INCLUDE = /usr/include/ KML_LIBS = /usr/lib/libkmldom.so /usr/lib/libkmlbase.so } # Since KML also requires BOOST you will need to install # that too and then set BOOST_INCLUDE to that location # If the files are in /usr/include/boost then set #BOOST_INCLUDE = /usr/include #Additionally, on MAC the latest libs also need the following #QMAKE_CFLAGS_X86_64 += -mmacosx-version-min=10.7 #QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_X86_64 = $$QMAKE_CFLAGS_X86_64 #LIBS += -lexpat -luriparser -lminizip # If you want support for downloading from iCal calendars you will need libical # http://sourceforge.net/projects/freeassociation/ # Set path to the root of the libical installation # If you installed in /usr/local/libical then set # ICAL_INSTALL = /usr/local/libical # This will automatically set: # ICAL_INCLUDE = $${ICAL_INSTALL}/include # ICAL_LIBS = $${ICAL_INSTALL}/lib/libical.a # You may override the INCLUDE and LIB files if you like. # You *must* define ICAL_INSTALL to use this feature. packagesExist(libical) { ICAL_INSTALL = yes ICAL_INCLUDE = /usr/include/ ICAL_LIBS = -lical -licalss -licalvcal -lpthread } # If you want support for using USB1 sticks in Train View on Windows # then install the SiLabs USBXpress Software Development Kit (SDK) # http://www.silabs.com/products/mcu/Pages/USBXpress.aspx # and set the following to the 'Host' directory within the SDK # USBXPRESS_INSTALL = /c/SiLabs/MCU/USBXpress/USBXpress_API/Host/ # You may override the INCLUDE and LIB files if you like. # You *must* define USBXPRESS_INSTALL to use this feature. #USBXPRESS_INSTALL = #USBXPRESS_INCLUDE = #USBXPRESS_LIBS = # If you want support for using USB2 sticks in Train View on Linux or Windows # then you need to install libusb (Linux) version 0.1.12 # or libusb-win32 (Windows) version # For Linux builds download: (There is a copy in the contrib directory) # http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/libusb/libusb-0.1.12.tar.gz # For Windows builds download: # ttps://sourceforge.net/projects/libusb-win32/files/libusb-win32-releases/ # You may override the INCLUDE and LIB files if you like. # You *must* define LIBUSB_INSTALL to use this feature. packagesExist(libusb) { LIBUSB_INSTALL = yes LIBUSB_INCLUDE = /usr/include/ LIBUSB_LIBS = -lusb # LIBUSB_USE_V_1 = true } # if you want video playback on training mode then # download and install vlc (videolan) from # ftp.videolan.org/pub/vlc/1.1.8 or http://download.videolan.org/vlc/ for # your platform there are sdks for Mac and Windows. On Linux you # will need to use the latest distro (e.g. Meerkat # on Ubuntu) to be sure apt-get installs the latest # builds (we need 1.1.8 or higher). # Set path to the root of the VLC installation # If the are installed in /usr/local/vlc then set # VLC_INSTALL = /usr/local/vlc # This will automatically set (Windows, Unix and macOS): # VLC_INCLUDE = $${VLC_INSTALL}/include # For Windows # VLC_LIBS = $${VLC_INSTALL}/lib/libvlc.dll.a # For Unix and macOS # VLC_LIBS = -lvlc # You may override the INCLUDE and LIB files if you like. # You *must* define VLC_INSTALL to use this feature. packagesExist(libvlc) { VLC_INSTALL = yes VLC_INCLUDE = /usr/include/ VLC_LIBS = -lvlc -lvlccore DEFINES += GC_VIDEO_VLC } else { DEFINES += GC_VIDEO_NONE } # *** Mac users NOTE *** # On MAC you don't need libvlc since we use the # native QTKit (OSX framework) for video playback # using Quicktime and on 10.6 or higher Quicktime X # # if you want to resample with high fidelity we can use the # libsamplerate libraries, this is used in RideFile::resample() # if you don't resample (e.g. export or merge with new recording # intervals) then don't bother. # # Mainly tested on Linux, compilation on Windows requires # some modifications in the build process to build with MSVC2015 # Code is available at: http://www.mega-nerd.com/SRC/ # packagesExist(samplerate) { SAMPLERATE_INSTALL = yes SAMPLERATE_INCLUDE = /usr/include SAMPLERATE_LIBS = -lsamplerate } # If your system has PKG_CONFIG, QT can use this to get dependent libraries. # Add the names of libraries with PKG_CONFIG information. # eg. PKGCONFIG = oauth libical # Uncomment the following two lines to enable. #CONFIG += link_pkgconfig #PKGCONFIG = # If your QT build includes its own local compress libs # then you should comment the line below, otherwise you # will need to have the compress libraries installed # separately. LIBZ_INCLUDE = LIBZ_LIBS = -lz macx { # Uncomment this line to build with OS X Tiger support on a Leopard system: #QMAKE_MAC_SDK=/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk # Uncomment this line to build a OS X universal binary: #CONFIG+=x86 ppc # Uncomment this line if you have SDK 10.7 or higher #DEFINES += GC_HAVE_LION #uncomment below if you are running on the 10.9 developer preview #INCLUDEPATH += /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX10.9.sdk/usr/include/ } # uncomment below for R integration via webservices #HTPATH = ../httpserver #if you want a 'robot' to test realtime code without having #to get on your trainer and ride then uncomment below #DEFINES += GC_WANT_ROBOT #if you have a version of mingw that properly provides #the Dwmapi.h header then uncomment this line #DEFINES += GC_HAVE_DWM # USING THE DROPBOX API # register your app at https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps and # make sure the redirect_uri for the app includes the url: # https://goldencheetah.github.io/blank.html and full permissions # are granted. Then set the client # and secret in the two defines # below replacing the xxxxxxxxxxxxxx with the actual values. #DEFINES += GC_DROPBOX_CLIENT_ID=\\\"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\\\" #DEFINES += GC_DROPBOX_CLIENT_SECRET=\\\"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\\\" # if you have your own MAPQUEST KEY #DEFINES += GC_MAPQUESTAPI_KEY=\\\"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\\\" # USING THE WITHINGS API (http://oauth.withings.com/api) #DEFINES += GC_WITHINGS_CONSUMER_KEY=\\\"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\\\" #DEFINES += GC_WITHINGS_CONSUMER_SECRET=\\\"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\\\" # What video playback do you want? #DEFINES += GC_VIDEO_NONE # dont add any video playback support #DEFINES += GC_VIDEO_QUICKTIME # mac only and the default #DEFINES += GC_VIDEO_QT5 # use QT5 qvideowidget if QT > 5.2.1 #DEFINES += GC_VIDEO_VLC # use VideoLan library needs VLC_INSTALL defined above #DEFINES += GC_VIDEO_AV # use AV Foundation on Mac now QTKit is deprecated # Using the GoldenCheetah/CloudDB feature (with a private CloudDB instance) # requires that you have a running instance of CloudDB on Google App Engine # (for details on CloudDB please check the documentation here: https://github.com/GoldenCheetah/CloudDB #DEFINES +=GC_CLOUD_DB_BASIC_AUTH= #DEFINES +=GC_CLOUD_DB_APP_NAME= #CloudDB = active # Fixes for building on Arch Linux DEFINES += SIP_MODULE_NAME=\\\"sip\\\"