#!/usr/bin/env python3 """Small utility for generating the relevant metadata for the PKGBUILD.""" from glob import glob from os import cpu_count from os.path import dirname import shutil from subprocess import run as run_command import tempfile from typing import Tuple def parse_versions() -> Tuple[str, str]: """Return the old and the new version of Telegram Desktop, in this order.""" with open("PKGBUILD", encoding="utf-8") as PKGBUILD, open(".SRCINFO", encoding="utf-8") as SRCINFO: old_content = SRCINFO.readlines() new_content = PKGBUILD.readlines() def fetch_value(file_lines: list[str]) -> str: """Fetch the value of "pkgver" from the file lines""" filtered_content = filter(lambda s: s.strip().startswith("pkgver"), file_lines) first_value_line = next(filtered_content).strip() # Lines are: pkgver = X, with perhaps spaces return first_value_line.split("=")[1].strip() return fetch_value(old_content), fetch_value(new_content) def make_temp_folder() -> str: """Utility function for creating a temporary folder and returning its path.""" return tempfile.mkdtemp() def git_clone_repo(old_version: str, new_version: str, git_folder: str): """Fetch the Git repository with the proper parameters.""" git_clone_command = [ "git", "clone", # "--quiet", "--recurse-submodules", "--shallow-submodules", f"--shallow-since=v{old_version}", f"--branch=v{new_version}", "https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop", git_folder, ] cpus = cpu_count() if cpus is not None: git_clone_command.append(f"--jobs={cpus}") print(f"Runnng: {' '.join(git_clone_command)}") run_command(git_clone_command, check=True) def fetch_submodule_data(git_repository: str, base_repo: str): """Return all relevant instructions for the PKGBUILLD given the repository.""" sources: dict[str, str] = {} commands: list[str] = [] parsed_folders: set[str] = set() def generate_repo_data(git_subrepo: str): """Do the heavy work for one repo and recurse for the others.""" if git_subrepo in parsed_folders: print(f"# Folder already handled: {git_subrepo}, skipping ...") source_folder = git_subrepo.replace(git_repository, base_repo) print(f"# Working in {source_folder}...") md_sep = "::" """custom metadata separator""" git_remotes_command = run_command( [ "git", "-C", git_subrepo, "submodule", "foreach", "--quiet", f'printf "$name{md_sep}" ; git remote get-url origin', ], capture_output=True, check=True ) git_submodules_metadata = git_remotes_command.stdout.decode().splitlines() if git_submodules_metadata: commands.append(f'git -C "{source_folder}" submodule init') for git_submodule_data in git_submodules_metadata: submodule_name, git_remote = git_submodule_data.split(md_sep, maxsplit=1) # Fetch the unique repo name and make it easy to use # https://github.com/some/repo.git -> repo git_repo_name = ( "submodule_" + git_remote.split("/")[-1].split(".git", maxsplit=1)[0] ) if git_repo_name in sources and sources[git_repo_name] != git_remote: raise RuntimeError( f"Multiple sources with same name {git_repo_name} but different values: " f"{git_remote} != {sources[git_repo_name]}" ) sources[git_repo_name] = git_remote commands.append( f'git -C "{source_folder}" config src.{submodule_name}.url "$srcdir/{git_repo_name}"' ) if git_submodules_metadata: commands.append(f'git -C "{source_folder}" submodule update') commands.append("") parsed_folders.add(git_subrepo) # Recurse on lower subrepos found_gitmodules = glob(f"{git_subrepo}/**/.gitmodules", recursive=True) found_subrepos = [ dirname(gitmodule_path) for gitmodule_path in found_gitmodules ] for found_subrepo in found_subrepos: if found_subrepo in parsed_folders: continue generate_repo_data(found_subrepo) generate_repo_data(git_repository) return sources, commands def generate_metadata(): """Main method, doing the hard work.""" git_repo_path = make_temp_folder() try: old_version, new_version = parse_versions() git_clone_repo(old_version, new_version, git_repo_path) sources, commands = fetch_submodule_data(git_repo_path, "$srcdir/tdesktop") indent = " " * 4 print("# Sources:") for k, v in sorted(sources.items()): print(indent + f'"{k}::git+{v}"') print("# Commands in prepare:") for l in commands: print(indent + l if l.strip() else "") except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Keyboard interrupt received, stopping our work...") finally: shutil.rmtree(git_repo_path) if __name__ == "__main__": generate_metadata()