post_upgrade() { if [ $(vercmp $2 1.6.1-1) -lt 0 ] ; then cat << EOF gitea now uses its own user/group instead of the git ones. Ownership of /var/lib/gitea tree has been changed accordingly. You need to update your /etc/gitea/app.ini file to change the RUN_USER variable at the top. Next step is fixing the SSH configuration. If you have: AllowUsers git in /etc/ssh/sshd_config, you need to change that to gitea. Then restart sshd.service. You will need to tell all your users that they have to change git@ to gitea@ in their repos clones using git remote set-url. If you use a PostgreSQL DB upon Unix socket, you need to fix your [database] configuration and switch USER to gitea. Then, you need to change it also in /var/lib/data/pg_hba.conf. Finally, as postgres user, run psql and inside it type: ALTER USER git RENAME TO gitea; \q Then restart postgresql.service. In all cases, you then need to reload systemd units and restart gitea.service. EOF fi }