post_install() { printf "${bold}${yellow}==============================================================================${reset}\n" echo "" note_header "Important information about kubectl versions < 1.25" echo "" note "Starting in kubectl v1.25, this plugin will be required for authentication." note "In order to run kubectl with the new plugin prior to the release of v1.25:" note "" note " 1) Set the USE_GKE_GCLOUD_AUTH_PLUGIN=True environment variable" note "" note " 2) Run the following command:" note "" note " gcloud container clusters get-credentials CLUSTER_NAME" note "" note " Replace the CLUSTER_NAME with the name of your cluster." note " This will force the config for this cluster to be updated to" note " the Client-go Credential Plugin configuration." note "" note "" echo "" printf "${bold}${yellow}==============================================================================${reset}\n" } post_upgrade() { post_install } # Pacman-like colors reset="$(tput sgr0)" bold="${reset}$(tput bold)" blue="${bold}$(tput setaf 4)" yellow="${bold}$(tput setaf 3)" note_header() { printf "${yellow}==> NOTE: ${bold}$1${reset}\n" } note() { printf "${blue} -> ${bold}$1${reset}\n" }