#!/usr/bin/env bash ################################################################### #Author :Joshua Schmid #Email :jxs@posteo.de ################################################################### VERSION=0.0.3 red() { echo -e "\e[31m${1}\e[0m" } green() { echo -e "\e[32m${1}\e[0m" } yellow() { echo -e "\e[33m${1}\e[0m" } function permission_check { if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then # the script needs root/sudo red "Please run as root or with sudo" exit 1 fi } globals() { # TODO: Use GOPRO_ prefix # TODO: rename AUTO -> NONINTERACTIVE GOPRO_NON_INTERACTIVE=${GOPRO_NON_INTERACTIVE:-0} GOPRO_AUTOSTART=${GOPRO_AUTOSTART:-0} GOPRO_PREVIEW=${GOPRO_PREVIEW:-0} GOPRO_RESOLUTION=${GOPRO_RESOLUTION:-1080} GOPRO_FOV_ID=${GOPRO_FOV_ID:-4} GOPRO_FOV=${GOPRO_FOV:-linear} GOPRO_DEVICE_PATTERN=${GOPRO_DEVICE_PATTERN} GOPRO_DEVICE=${GOPRO_DEVICE} GOPRO_IP=${GOPRO_IP} GOPRO_USER=${GOPRO_USER} } DEPS=( "ffmpeg" "curl" ) module="v4l2loopback" module_cmd="modprobe v4l2loopback exclusive_caps=1 card_label='GoPro' video_nr=42" module_cmd_unload="modprobe -rf v4l2loopback" START_PATH="/gp/gpWebcam/START?res=" # TODO: seems buggy atm, though STOP_PATH="/gp/gpWebcam/STOP" FOV_PATH="/gp/gpWebcam/SETTINGS?fov=" function run_args { >&2 green "Running GoPro Webcam Util for Linux [${VERSION}]" >&2 echo "" >&2 echo " Launch Options " >&2 echo "==========================" >&2 echo " * Non-interactive: $GOPRO_NON_INTERACTIVE" >&2 echo " * Autostart: $GOPRO_AUTOSTART" >&2 echo " * Preview: $GOPRO_PREVIEW" >&2 echo " * Resolution: ${GOPRO_RESOLUTION}p" >&2 echo " * FOV: $GOPRO_FOV" if [[ $GOPRO_DEVICE ]]; then >&2 echo " * Device: $GOPRO_DEVICE" fi if [[ $GOPRO_DEVICE_PATTERN ]]; then >&2 echo " * Device Pattern: $GOPRO_DEVICE_PATTERN" fi if [[ $GOPRO_IP ]]; then >&2 echo " * IP Address: $GOPRO_IP" fi if [[ $GOPRO_USER ]]; then >&2 echo " * User: $GOPRO_USER" fi >&2 echo "==========================" >&2 echo "" } function validate_arguments { if [[ $GOPRO_DEVICE ]] && [[ $GOPRO_DEVICE_PATTERN ]]; then red "-p | --device-pattern and -d | --device are mutually exclusive" exit 1 fi if [[ $GOPRO_DEVICE ]] || [[ $GOPRO_DEVICE_PATTERN ]] && [[ $GOPRO_IP ]]; then yellow "When an IP is provided the options for -p | --device-pattern and -d | --device ignored" fi if [[ ${GOPRO_AUTOSTART} -eq 1 ]] && [[ ${GOPRO_PREVIEW} -eq 1 ]]; then red "-v | --preview and -a | --autostart are mutually exclusive" exit 1 fi if [[ ${GOPRO_PREVIEW} -eq 1 ]] && [[ ! $GOPRO_USER ]]; then red "-r | --preview needs -u | --user. Please provide it with the mentioned flags" exit 1 fi if [[ ${GOPRO_FOV} == "wide" ]]; then GOPRO_FOV_ID=0 elif [[ ${GOPRO_FOV} == "linear" ]]; then GOPRO_FOV_ID=4 elif [[ ${GOPRO_FOV} == "narrow" ]]; then GOPRO_FOV_ID=6 else red "Please choose either \"wide\", \"linear\", or \"narrow\"" exit 1 fi if [[ ${GOPRO_RESOLUTION} -ne "1080" && ${GOPRO_RESOLUTION} -ne "720" && ${GOPRO_RESOLUTION} -ne "480" ]]; then red "Please choose either \"1080\", \"720\", or \"480\"" exit 1 fi } function usage { cat << EOF Usage: $gopro action [options...] Options: -n, --non-interactive do not wait for user input. Use this when used in a startup-script/fstab -p, --device-pattern provide a device pattern i.e. (enx, lsr) in case the script failed to detect one by itself. -d, --device provide a full device name i.e. (enxenx9245589250e7) USE WITH CAUTION. THIS CHANGES EVERY TIME YOU REBOOT/RECONNECT THE CAMERA THIS OPTION IS NOT SUITABLE FOR AUTOMATION! -r, --resolution select the resolution you would like the GoPro to output. "1080", "720", or "480." -f, --fov select the FOV you would like to use. "wide", "linear", or "narrow." -i, --ip provide a IPv4 address to the GoPro i.e. ( CAUTION! This may change over time. -a, --auto-start automatically start ffmpeg to serve the GoPro as a video device to your operating system. If this flag is omitted, print the corresponding command to run it yourself. -v, --preview Just launch a preview in VLC. This will not expose the device to the OS. -u, --user VLC can't be started as root, please provide a username you want to run it with. (Typically your 'default/home' user) -V, --verbose echo every command that gets executed -h, --help display this help Commands: webcam start the GoPro in webcam mode EOF } function parse_args { # Do not parse a starting --help|-h as an action ! [[ $1 =~ ^- ]] && ACTION=$1 && shift while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do key="$1" case $key in -V|--verbose) set -x ;; -h|--help) usage exit 0 ;; -n|--non-interactive) GOPRO_NON_INTERACTIVE=1 ;; -p|--device-pattern) GOPRO_DEVICE_PATTERN=$2 shift ;; -d|--device) GOPRO_DEVICE=$2 shift ;; -r|--resolution) GOPRO_RESOLUTION=$2 shift ;; -f|--fov) GOPRO_FOV=$2 shift ;; -i|--ip) GOPRO_IP=$2 shift ;; -u|--user) GOPRO_USER=$2 shift ;; -a|--auto-start) GOPRO_AUTOSTART=1 ;; -v|--preview) DEPS+=('vlc') GOPRO_PREVIEW=1 ;; -) _EXTRA_ARGS+=("$(cat $2)") _RAW_INPUT=1 shift ;; --) shift _EXTRA_ARGS+=("$@") break ;; *) _EXTRA_ARGS+=("$1") ;; esac shift done EXTRA_ARGS="${_EXTRA_ARGS[@]}" validate_arguments } function test_DEPS { # bail out if dependencies are not installed. for p in ${DEPS[@]}; do if ! command -v ${p} &> /dev/null then red "${p} could not be found" red "Please use you system's packagemanager to install this dependency and re-run this script" exit 1 fi done } function user_confirmation { if [ $GOPRO_NON_INTERACTIVE -ne 1 ] ; then read -p "Please plug in your GoPro and switch it on. If it booted successfully (Charger icon on screen), hit Return" fi } function test_module_probe { # load module if ${module_cmd} &> /dev/null ; then green "${module} was successfully loaded." return 0 else red "${module} does not exist. Please either install ${module} or get it from source via https://github.com/umlaeute/v4l2loopback" exit 1 fi } function test_module_unload { # unload module if ${module_cmd_unload} &> /dev/null ; then green "${module} was unloaded successfully." return 0 else red "${module} could not be unloaded. There is maybe an ffmpeg(or similar) running that uses this module" exit 1 fi } function test_module_loaded { # test if module is already loaded if lsmod | grep ${module} &> /dev/null ; then green "${module} is loaded!" test_module_unload return 0 else green "${module} is not loaded!" return 1 fi } function discover_device { local dev if [[ -z $GOPRO_DEVICE_PATTERN ]]; then echo -e "\n" echo "Guessing the GoPro's device name..." echo "I can only make an uneducated guess wrt the name of the interface that the GoPro exposes." echo "For me the name of the interface is 'enxf64854ee7472'. This script will try to discover the device" echo "that was added *last*, as you just plugged in the camera, hence the interface added last should be the one we're looking for." dev=$(ip -4 --oneline link | grep -v "state DOWN" | grep -v LOOPBACK | grep -v "NO-CARRIER" | cut -f2 -d":" | tail -1 | xargs) else echo "Using provided device pattern ${GOPRO_DEVICE_PATTERN}" dev=$(ip -4 token | grep ${GOPRO_DEVICE_PATTERN} | tail -1 | sed -e s"/token :: dev//" | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//') fi if [[ -z ${dev} ]]; then echo -e "\n" echo "Could not discover a interface. Please restart the script by providing the device or the device pattern that the GoPro exposes (use 'ip addr' for that)" echo "i.e. gopro webcam -d enx123123123" echo "or" echo "i.e. gopro webcam -p lxr" exit 1 fi green "\nDiscovered: ${dev}." GOPRO_DEVICE=${dev} } function find_gopro_ip { if [[ ! ${GOPRO_IP} ]]; then yellow "Using ${GOPRO_DEVICE} to discover the GOPRO_IP." ip=$(ip -4 addr show dev ${GOPRO_DEVICE} | grep -Po '(?<=inet )[\d.]+') if [[ -z ${ip} ]]; then red "Could not automatically discover a valid GOPRO_IP. Use the '-p, -d or -i' option to provide more information. (see --help for more information)" exit 1 fi green "Found ${ip}" GOPRO_IP=${ip} fi echo "To control the GoPro, we need to contact another interface (GOPRO_IP ending with .51).. Adapting internally.." # For whatever reason the gopro server ends on .51 mangled_ip=$(echo ${GOPRO_IP} | awk -F"." '{print $1"."$2"."$3".51"}') green "Now using this GOPRO_IP internally: ${mangled_ip}" GOPRO_INTERFACE_IP=$mangled_ip } function start_gopro_webcam_mode { local response # Switching to the GoPro Webcam mode response=$(curl -s ${GOPRO_INTERFACE_IP}${START_PATH}${GOPRO_RESOLUTION}) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then red "Error while starting the Webcam mode. # TODO Useful message." exit 1 fi echo $response if [[ -z "${response}" ]]; then red "Did not receive a valid response from your GoPro. Please try again to run this script, timing is sometimes crucial." exit 1 fi response=$(curl -s ${GOPRO_INTERFACE_IP}${FOV_PATH}${GOPRO_FOV_ID}) echo $response if [[ -z "${response}" ]]; then red "Did not receive a valid response from your GoPro. Please try again to run this script, timing is sometimes crucial." exit 1 fi green "Sucessfully started the GoPro Webcam mode. (The icon on the Camera should have changed)" } function start_webcam { if [[ ! ${GOPRO_DEVICE} ]] && [[ ! ${GOPRO_IP} ]]; then discover_device fi find_gopro_ip start_gopro_webcam_mode expose_device } function expose_device { if [[ ${GOPRO_AUTOSTART} -eq 1 ]]; then echo "Starting ffmpeg.." ffmpeg -nostdin -threads 1 -i 'udp://@' -f:v mpegts -fflags nobuffer -vf format=yuv420p -f v4l2 /dev/video42 elif [[ ${GOPRO_PREVIEW} -eq 1 ]]; then echo "Starting preview.." start_preview exit 0 else info_only exit 0 fi } function start_preview { echo -e "To test this try this command(vlc needs to be installed): \n" sudo -u $GOPRO_USER vlc -vvv --network-caching=300 --sout-x264-preset=ultrafast --sout-x264-tune=zerolatency --sout-x264-vbv-bufsize 0 --sout-transcode-threads 4 --no-audio udp://@:8554 } function info_only { echo -e "\n\nYou should be ready to use your GoPro on your prefered videostreaming tool. Have Fun!" echo -e "\n\nIf you want to use the GoPro in your prefered Video conferencing software (browser and apps works alike) pipe the UDP stream to a video device (that was created already) with this command: \n" green "ffmpeg -nostdin -threads 1 -i 'udp://@' -f:v mpegts -fflags nobuffer -vf format=yuv420p -f v4l2 /dev/video42" echo -e "\nTo get a preview of the output in vlc you can run this command" echo -e "To test this try this command(vlc needs to be installed): \n" green "vlc -vvv --network-caching=300 --sout-x264-preset=ultrafast --sout-x264-tune=zerolatency --sout-x264-vbv-bufsize 0 --sout-transcode-threads 4 --no-audio udp://@:8554" } main() { globals parse_args "$@" run_args case $ACTION in help) usage ;; webcam) # check if sudo/root permission_check # If module is loaded already, unload it, to maintain idempotency. test_module_loaded # modprobe the needed kernel module test_module_probe # prompt to plug in the cable and turn on the device user_confirmation # Try to detect the correct interface and start the webcam mode start_webcam ;; version) echo version: $VERSION exit 0 ;; *) usage exit 1 ;; esac } main "$@"