function post_install { printf '\n' printf '%s\n' "=== gtk3-nocsd: Usage instructions. === " printf '\n' printf '%s\n' "In order to automatically preload '' at X session startup, copy" printf '%s\n' "'/usr/share/doc/gtk3-nocsd/etc/xinit/xinitrc.d/' to '/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/'." printf '%s\n' "Otherwise, individual programmes can be run with GTK3 client side decoration disabled by running them" printf '%s\n' "as 'gtk3-nocsd []'. See 'man 1 gtk3-nocsd'." printf '\n' printf '%s\n' "Note that even when '/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/' is copied, in gnome sessions, or when" printf '%s\n' "the files in '/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/' do not get executed, gtk3-nocsd is no automatically activarted" printf '%s\n' "and must also be used per application via 'gtk3-nocsd []'." printf '\n' } function post_upgrade { post_install }