#ifndef TICK_GTK_WIN_H #define TICK_GTK_WIN_H #include #include "portfolio.h" #define GET_OBJECT(obj) gtk_builder_get_object(app.builder, obj) #define PEER_COLUMN_SYMBOL 0 #define PEER_COLUMN_PROFIT_24H_PERCENT 1 #define PEER_COLUMN_PROFIT_7D_PERCENT 2 #define PEER_COLUMN_PROFIT_30D_PERCENT 3 #define PEER_NUM_COLS 4 #define INFO_ARRAY_CACHE_MAX 128 typedef enum column_index { AMOUNT, SYMBOL, VALUE, SPENT, PROFIT, PROFIT_PERCENT, PROFIT_24H, PROFIT_24H_PERCENT, PROFIT_7D, PROFIT_7D_PERCENT, PROFIT_30D, PROFIT_30D_PERCENT, NUM_COLS } Col_Index; typedef enum zoom_level_total_months { FIVE_Y, FOUR_Y, THREE_Y, TWO_Y, ONE_Y, SIX_M, THREE_M, ONE_M, FOURTEEN_D, SEVEN_D } Zoom_Months; typedef struct app_data { Info_Array* portfolio_data; String* portfolio_string; GtkBuilder* builder; Info_Array* info_cache; char password[PASS_MAX]; time_t last_reload; Info* focused; } App_Data; /** * Initializes gtk, loads glade file, connects signals, shows the check window, and enters the * main gtk loop. */ void window_main(void); /** * Precondition: app.portfolio_string is a String containing a JSON array of portfolio data * * If the JSON array is length 0, the function will do nothing. * * Otherwise, app.portfolio_data will be created from app.portfolio_string and the check list store * will be cleared and appended with this data. */ void check_list_create_from_string(void); /** * Precondition: check_list_create_from_string has already been called and api data has been * stored in app.portfolio_data * * Api data from app.portfolio_data will be stored in the check list store */ void check_list_add_api_data(void); /********************* SIGNALS *********************/ /** * SIGNAL FOR LOAD BUTTON CLICK * * Loads the portfolio file, decrypts if necessary, collects api data, and adds all the data to * the check list store. * @param button UNUSED -- MAY BE NULL */ void on_load_button_clicked(GtkButton* button); /** * SIGNAL FOR LOAD BUTTON CLICK * * Shows either the encrypt or decrypt dialog depending on the button's label. * @param button a GtkButton with either label "Encrypt" or "Decrypt" */ void on_lock_button_clicked(GtkButton* button); /** * SIGNAL FOR SET PASSWORD DIALOG RESPONSE * * If response is GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL (if click cancel or press escape), hide the dialog. * Otherwise, calls on_set_password_entry_activate. * @param dialog * @param response_id response of button activated -- either GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL or GTK_RESPONSE_OK */ void on_set_password_dialog_response(GtkDialog* dialog, gint response_id); /** * SIGNAL FOR SET PASSWORD ENTRY ACTIVATE * * Activated by keypress ENTER. * * If the length of the entered password is not between 6 and 30 characters or the two entered * passwords are not the same, the password will not be set. * @param entry UNUSED -- MAY BE NULL */ void on_set_password_entry_activate(GtkEntry* entry); /** * SIGNAL FOR DECRYPT DIALOG RESPONSE * * If response is GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL (if click cancel or press escape), hide the dialog. * Otherwise, calls on_decrypt_password_entry_activate. * @param dialog * @param response_id response of button activated -- either GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL or GTK_RESPONSE_OK */ void on_decrypt_dialog_response(GtkDialog* dialog, gint response_id); /** * SIGNAL FOR DECRYPT PASSWORD ENTRY ACTIVATE * * If the entered password matches app.password, app.password will be cleared. * @param entry UNUSED -- MAY BE NULL */ void on_decrypt_password_entry_activate(GtkEntry* entry); /** * SIGNAL FOR ADD, REMOVE, AND SET BUTTON CLICK * * Opens portfolio_modify_dialog based on which button was clicked. * @param button the button clicked */ void on_modify_button_clicked(GtkButton* button); /** * SIGNAL FOR MODIFY ENTRY ACTIVATE * * Modifies app.portfolio_string according to the values entered in portfolio_modify_dialog * @param entry UNUSED -- MAY BE NULL */ void on_modify_entry_activate(GtkEntry* entry); /** * SIGNAL FOR PORTFOLIO MODIFY DIALOG RESPONSE * * If response is GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL (if click cancel or press escape), hide the dialog. * Otherwise, calls on_modify_entry_activate. * @param dialog * @param response_id response of button activated -- either GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL or GTK_RESPONSE_OK */ void on_portfolio_modify_dialog_response(GtkDialog* dialog, gint response_id); /** * SIGNAL FOR PASSWORD ENTRY ACTIVATE * * If the entered password is correct, copy the password to app.password and load the portfolio * @param entry UNUSED -- MAY BE NULL */ void on_password_entry_activate(GtkEntry* entry); /** * SIGNAL FOR GET PASSWORD DIALOG RESPONSE * * If response is GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL (if click cancel or press escape), hide the dialog. * Otherwise, calls on_password_entry_activate. * @param dialog * @param response_id response of button activated -- either GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL or GTK_RESPONSE_OK */ void on_get_password_dialog_response(GtkDialog* dialog, gint response_id); /** * SIGNAL FOR CHECK WINDOW DESTROY * * Encrypts and writes the portfolio to file if necessary. Unrefs gtk builder and exits main gtk * loop. Destroys all memory in app. */ void on_check_window_destroy(void); /** * SIGNAL FOR COLUMN CLICKED * * Sorts the ListStore struct according to which column was clicked. * @param column clicked column * @param list_store portfolio data list */ void on_column_clicked(GtkTreeViewColumn* column, GtkListStore* list_store); void on_check_tree_view_row_activated(GtkTreeView* tree_view, GtkTreePath* path, GtkTreeViewColumn* column); void on_info_back_button_clicked(GtkButton* button); void on_search_entry_focus_in_event(GtkWidget* search_entry, GdkEvent* event); void on_search_entry_activate(GtkEntry* entry); void on_info_peers_tree_view_row_activated(GtkTreeView* tree_view, GtkTreePath* path, GtkTreeViewColumn* column); void symbol_show_info(const char* symbol); /** UTILS **/ /** * Formats text in Info structs for printing to window * @param portfolio_data Info_Array* with valid Info data in it. */ void info_array_format_cells(Info_Array* portfolio_data); void info_format_cells(Info* pInfo); /** * Sorts a ListStore struct according to idx. * @param list_store ListStore to sort * @param idx column number */ void list_store_sort(GtkListStore* list_store, Col_Index idx); /** * Destroys app.portfolio_data and recreates it from app.portfolio_string with api data. Then * recreates the check list. */ void list_store_update(void); void info_pane_populate_all(const Info* pInfo); void info_pane_populate_header(const Info* pInfo); void info_pane_populate_company(const Info* pInfo); void info_pane_populate_peers(const Info* pInfo); void info_pane_populate_news(const Info* pInfo); gboolean on_info_graph_drawing_area_draw(GtkWidget* widget, cairo_t* cr); /** * Shows a generic message dialog. * @param message the message to show * @param success if true, will show a success dialog. otherwise it will show an error dialog. */ void show_generic_message_dialog(const char* message, gboolean success); /** * Sets the text property of a GObject to a string * @param object the GObject to change the text of * @param text the text to write */ void g_object_set_text(GObject* object, const gchar* text); #endif