dbus_tip() { echo "If it doesn't launch when in an ssh session try something like:" echo "\$ export \$(dbus-launch); hubic args" } post_install() { echo "Don't forget to run 'hubiC login ' to initialize the service." dbus_tip } post_upgrade() { dbus_tip if [ "$1" = "2.1.0-58" ]; then echo "Due to a change in mono backend, you need to login again against your local folder." echo "WARNING: after you login again, Hubic will perform a full re-index of your Hubic folder. It may result in the creation of many conflict resolution file. Try to stop hubic from your various devices before login again to avoid conflicts." echo "" echo "Also, if you have not perform a login action since a long time, Hubic will ask you first to modify your password. It is a normal procedure." fi }