# Review the lines below and append to ~/.config/.i3/config ## Volume control # Path to volume control, without trailing slash set $volumepath /usr/bin/i3-volume # Command for the status line (used with -t, requires -u) # ie: i3blocks, i3status set $statuscmd i3status # Signal used to update the status line (used with -u, requires -t) # i3blocks uses SIGRTMIN+10 by default # i3status uses SIGUSR1 by default set $statussig SIGUSR1 # Amount to increase/decrease volume as a percentage (used with -i, -d) set $volumestep 5 # pulseaudio-utils settings # # Symbolic name for sink (numeric index not supported) (used with -s $sinkname) # Recommended: comment out this setting and omit the -s option to use default sink # List sink names: pacmd list-sinks | awk -F "[<>]" '/^\s+name: <.*>/{print $2}' #set $sinkname alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo # Using pulseaudio-utils (append "-s $sinkname" without quotes to override default sink) bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec $volumepath -np -i $volumestep -t $statuscmd -u $statussig bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec $volumepath -np -d $volumestep -t $statuscmd -u $statussig bindsym XF86AudioMute exec $volumepath -mn -t $statuscmd -u $statussig