post_install() { printf "$(tput setaf 4)Java Design Patterns has been installed into /opt/java-design-patterns$(tput sgr0)\n" printf "$(tput setaf 4)This folder has root permissions, so keep in mind you will not be able to modify anything in this directory.$(tput sgr0)\n" printf "$(tput setaf 4)$(tput sgr0)\n" printf "$(tput setaf 4)If you intend to modify it as regular user, change folder's owner as follow:$(tput sgr0)\n" printf "$(tput setaf 2)chown -R : /opt/java-design-patterns$(tput sgr0)\n" printf "$(tput setaf 4)Note: You can copy the folder to a user writable destination in order to preserve$(tput sgr0)\n" printf "$(tput setaf 4)the original sources and permissions and avoid the deletion of files on upgrades.$(tput sgr0)\n" } post_upgrade() { post_install } post_remove() { printf "$(tput setaf 4)If you had added/modified files or permissions in folder $(tput setaf 2)/opt/java-design-patterns$(tput sgr0)\n" printf "$(tput setaf 4)is possible you need to delete the folder manually.$(tput sgr0)\n" }