# sets the XMPP domain (default: none) JVB_HOSTNAME=jitsi.example.com # sets the hostname of the XMPP server (default: domain if set, localhost otherwise) JVB_HOST=localhost # sets the port of the XMPP server (default: 5275) JVB_PORT=5347 # sets the shared secret used to authenticate to the XMPP server JVB_SECRET= # extra options to pass to the JVB daemon # --apis defaults to xmpp, which breaks the current jvb2 as of 2020-05-02 JVB_OPTS="--apis=," # adds java system props that are passed to jvb (default are for home and logging config file) JAVA_SYS_PROPS="-Dnet.java.sip.communicator.SC_HOME_DIR_LOCATION=/etc/jitsi\ -Dnet.java.sip.communicator.SC_HOME_DIR_NAME=videobridge\ -Dnet.java.sip.communicator.SC_LOG_DIR_LOCATION=/var/log/jitsi-videobridge\ -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/etc/jitsi/videobridge/logging.properties" # application config (not ready yet) # https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-videobridge/issues/1229 #JAVA_SYS_PROPS="-Dconfig.file=/etc/jitsi-videobridge/application.conf -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/etc/jitsi-videobridge/logging.properties"